7-year-old Ahmet Yıldız Wins Turkish Motocross Championship Title

Seven-year-old Ahmet Hasan Yıldız, inspired by his enduro racer father, Sezgin Yıldız, clinched the Turkish Motocross Championship in the fiercely contested 50 cc class.

The young motocrosser from Izmit Akmeşe embarked on his journey into the world of motocross at the tender age of 4, under the watchful eye and guidance of his proud father.

Yıldız, eager to follow in his father’s tire tracks, dedicated himself to rigorous training sessions at the Super Enduro Race Track in Akmeşe.

This year marked his debut in the Turkish Motokros Championship, a decision that would soon prove to be the catalyst for a meteoric rise.

The inaugural leg of the championship faced an unexpected hurdle, with adverse weather conditions forcing the cancellation of the 50 cc group races.

Undeterred, Yıldız showcased his commitment by entering the second leg races in Balıkesir Gönen on June 10-11.

The young talent exhibited exceptional prowess, securing 3rd place in the first stage and an impressive 1st place in the second stage of the two-day event.

His winning streak continued in the third leg race held in Istanbul Çatalca on Sept. 16-17, where he dominated both races, claiming the top spot.

Displaying resilience and skill, he further solidified his position in the championship during the 4th leg race in Gönen on Nov. 4-5, clinching second place and leaving competitors in his wake.

The crowning moment came in the fifth leg final races in Afyonkarahisar on Nov. 25-26, where Ahmet Hasan Yıldız emerged triumphant in the 50 cc class to clinch the Turkish Motocross Championship title.

In a post-race interview, the elated young champion expressed his pride, saying: “I worked hard. My last race was on a very muddy field. I was very happy when I heard that I was the champion.”

Yıldız’s sights are now set on a loftier goal – the world championship.

Sezgin Yıldız, his father and a seasoned bakery manager with a racing background, emphasized his son’s natural talent.

“We felt it. His reflexes were good, his speed was very good,” he said.

Reflecting on the journey, he highlighted his son’s remarkable feat of completing all races without a fall, highlighting his son’s exceptional driving quality.

Source: Daily Sabah

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