Iran-Turkey Trade Volume on Upward Trajectory despite US Sanctions: Official

The volume of Iran and Turkey’s trade has significantly surged, the chairman of Iran-Turkey Joint Chamber of Commerce said, adding that Ankara’s non-cooperation with US in implementing sanctions imposed against Tehran is a promising for boosting bilateral trade ties.

Speaking in an interview with IRNA on Saturday, Mehrdad Sa’adat pointed to the growing trend of trade between Iran and Turkey and stated, “We should wait for the result of the upcoming presidential election in Turkey.”

After holding this important political event in Turkey, “We can continue intensive consultations in the field of expanding bilateral trade exchanges.”

Last month, Turkey announced it would not cooperate with the United States and other countries in implementing sanctions against Iran, which is promising news for the development of trade ties between Tehran and Ankara, Sa’adat underlined.

The Iran-Turkey Joint Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) has taken effective measures in this regard, he said, adding that continuation of talks to finalize the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) between the two countries is one of the issues that should be taken into consideration after the presidential election in Turkey.

He also pointed to the dispatch of more commercial envoys to neighboring Turkey and added that a proposal has been proposed by the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) to send a commercial envoy to Istanbul, which is regarded as the main trade and economic center of Turkey.

With such measures, it is hoped that the country would take the maximum advantage of import and export capacities in this neighboring state, the chairman of the Iran-Turkey Chamber of Commerce added.

Source: Tasnim News

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