An Unknown Drone was Spotted at The Moscow Airport During Landing

A drone was spotted at Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport today. The drone was seen by airport workers during the landing of the Nordstar passenger plane.

This is reported by the telegram channel 112.

It is reported that the landing took place in the normal mode, operational services are working on the spot.

Recall that yesterday an unknown UAV was seen in Serpukhov , 70 km from Moscow. Later, Telegram channels reported that this was a police check for efficiency during the exercises.

Earlier in the Russian Federation they said that a fallen Ukrainian drone was found in the Moscow region . It is reported that the remains of the drone were found in the Bogorodsk city district to the northeast of Moscow.

And the German tabloid Bild connects  a drone found in the Moscow region with an assassination attempt on the President of the Russian Federation .

Source: Strana Today

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