Caesar Howitzers Donated by Denmark are Already on Combat Duty in Ukraine – Reznikov

The Caesar howitzers transferred by Denmark are already on combat duty in Ukraine.

This was announced by Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov during a briefing. 

“Back in August, we started a project with the Kingdom of Denmark on the possibility of obtaining artillery systems. Denmark ordered Caesar for its armed forces. Danish Caesars arrived today. And they are already on combat duty. Here’s the level of interaction,” the minister said. .

In Denmark, they announced that they would transfer all 19 of their installations to Ukraine.

Earlier it was reported that Denmark, together with the Netherlands, plans to poison Ukraine with 14 Leopard 2 tanks . However, they may not be delivered until the beginning of next year.

Meanwhile,  Spain has already begun transferring Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine .

Source: Strana Today

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