Interpol-wanted Moscow arrests Tajik criminal

On March 20, 38-year-old Komiljon Kulbashev, who was put on the wanted list by Interpol, was detained in the south of Moscow.

REN TV reports that the man organized a gang in Tajikistan, but left the country in March 2023 and moved to Russia.

“Tajikistan put the criminal on the wanted list through Interpol. Komiljon Kulbashev arrived in Russia on March 1,” the channel’s source explained.

It turned out that a native of the Khatlon region had recently lived in a hostel on Paveletskaya embankment. On the evening of March 20, law enforcement officers came there and detained Kulbashev. The man is currently under arrest.

Other details are not reported, in particular, it is not known what gang Kulbashev created and what she did under his “command”.

Meanwhile, a man with the same name – Komiljon Kulbashev – was detained in Tajikistan in June 2014 on charges of participating in six military operations in Afghanistan in the ranks of the Taliban movement.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan then reported that citizens of Tajikistan, 30-year-old Kulbashev Komiljon Abdumuminovich (Kubodiyon) and 29-year-old Toshpulotov Umarali Kiyomovich (Shakhritus), were detained on suspicion of organizing a criminal group.

“In May 2014, they, along with other members of the Taliban movement, fighting against the US coalition forces in Afghanistan, crossed the state border of Afghanistan. During 2010-2014, they took part in hostilities a total of 6 times along with other Taliban. By A criminal case has been initiated against this fact, the investigation is ongoing,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported at the time.

The extradition process has now begun. Based on the evidence and evidence provided by the Tajik side, the Russian prosecution authorities will decide whether to extradite the detainee or not. In recent years, the Russian authorities have satisfied almost all requests from Tajikistan for the extradition of wanted persons.

Source: asiaplustj

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