Mass Resignations from Turkey’s Future Opposition Party

Three hundred people submit their resignation from the Turkish Future Party and join the Erdogan’s Justice and Development.

Turkish media reported that 300 people resigned from the Turkish Future Party led by former Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in the state of Erzurum and joined Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party.

Among the resigned members was the Future Party’s Youth Branch President in Erzurum, Muhammet Firat Kirbac.

During an affiliation ceremony, the newly admitted members were handed the badge of Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party by parliamentarian Selami AltinokIn.

In a speech during the ceremony, AltinokIn said that “Turkey will continue its rise through unity and solidarity under the umbrella of the Justice and Development Party.”

He stressed that the supporters of the People’s Alliance, which is made up of the Justice and Development Party, as well as other Turkish parties, “will not leave Turkey’s fate to those who take their orders from imperialist countries and terrorist organizations.”

On his part, Kirbac pointed out that the 300 members submitted their resignations after discovering that the Future Party’s leadership supports the Peoples’ Democratic Party, which Turkey considers the political wing of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

This comes two weeks before Turkish people cast their votes in the Turkish presidential and parliamentary elections.

Source: Al Mayadeen

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