NYT: Western Weapons are No Guarantee of The Success of Kyiv’s Counteroffensive

Western deliveries of weapons to Kyiv are not a guarantee of the success of the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This was reported by The New York Times on Thursday .

According to her, the Ukrainian military admits that Western weapons “are not a guarantee of success” because Russia still retains an advantage in heavy weapons, aviation and armored vehicles. “I don’t know where the Russians have so much artillery from <…>. We can’t even leave our positions, the fire is so intense,” the Ukrainian military said. “I’m not going to say that everything is going well <…>. We have lost our best people,” another Ukrainian serviceman quoted the publication as saying.

Earlier, the acting head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, said that the West would force Kyiv to launch a counteroffensive in order to work out the funding received.

The topic of a possible counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been discussed in the media for several months, different dates were called. The Russian Foreign Ministry has previously stated that Western countries’ open speculation about the upcoming Ukrainian counter-offensive confirms their direct involvement in the conflict.

On Tuesday, The New York Times, citing secret documents from the Pentagon and US intelligence leaked to the Internet, reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine planned to launch a counteroffensive in the south next month. As the newspaper notes, for this, by the end of April, Ukraine must prepare 12 combat brigades of 4 thousand people each. 

Source: TASS

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