Azerbaijan Archives · Ankara Haftalik National Focus on Turkey Sat, 09 Dec 2023 03:10:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Azerbaijan Archives · Ankara Haftalik 32 32 Türkiye Hails Azerbaijan-Armenia Steps Toward Normalization Fri, 29 Dec 2023 03:04:23 +0000 Türkiye welcomed Azerbaijan and Armenia’s agreement to take confidence-building measures, expressing a desire for an imminent peace deal…

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Türkiye welcomed Azerbaijan and Armenia’s agreement to take confidence-building measures, expressing a desire for an imminent peace deal in move toward normalization after decades of tension Friday.

“We support the decision to continue negotiations for the adoption of additional confidence-building measures,” a Turkish Foreign Ministry statement said.

“We wish for the prompt signing of the peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which will constitute one of the most crucial developments for establishing permanent peace and stability in the South Caucasus,” it added.

The South Caucasus neighbors have been locked in a decadeslong conflict over the control of the Karabakh region, which Azerbaijan reclaimed after a lightning operation against illegal separatists in September.

Azerbaijan, with Türkiye lending its support, liberated most of the Karabakh region from Armenian occupation during 44 days of clashes in the fall of 2020, which ended with a Russian-brokered peace agreement, opening the door to normalization.

Azerbaijan sent troops to Karabakh on Sept. 19, and after just one day of fighting, Armenian separatist forces aided down arms and agreed to reintegrate with Baku.

Both countries have said a peace agreement could be signed by the end of the year, but peace talks – mediated separately by the European Union, the United States and Russia – have seen little progress.

Azerbaijan and Armenia announced late Thursday that they agreed to release detainees in a step toward peace.

“Armenia and Azerbaijan believe there is a historical chance to achieve a long-awaited peace in the region. Two countries reconfirm their intention to normalize relations and to reach the peace treaty based on respect for the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity,” according to the statement.

As part of the agreement on taking “tangible steps” toward building confidence, Azerbaijan released 32 Armenian soldiers in exchange for two Azerbaijani soldiers “as driven by values of humanism and as a gesture of goodwill.”

A joint statement by the countries also said Armenia agreed to lift its objections to Azerbaijan hosting next year’s international conference on climate change, the COP29.

The E.U. and the U.S., too, praised the agreement as a breakthrough, with European Council president Charles Michel welcoming an “unprecedented opening in political dialogue.”

Russia also voiced support with the pair’s move of “confirming the mutual intention to normalize relations and conclude a peace treaty.”

Source: Daily Sabah

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Türkiye Stage Drills with Friends Azerbaijan, Turkish Cyprus Wed, 25 Oct 2023 23:49:25 +0000 The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) conducted joint military drills with the Azerbaijani and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus…

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The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) conducted joint military drills with the Azerbaijani and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Armies as part of the ongoing “Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2023” joint military exercises, which began on Monday.

The second day of the three-day tactical drills, which is also marked as a “Distinguished Observer Day,” continued with the participation of Turkish and Azerbaijani commando units, as well as Turkish F-16s and Bayraktar TB2 drones, which conducted various maneuvers against simulated enemies.

The Distinguished Observer Day of the military exercises was attended by Turkish Defense Minister Yaşar Güler and his Azerbaijani counterpart Zakir Hasanov, as well as Tajik Defense Minister Sherali Mirzo.

The drills, with the participation of 3,000 military personnel from both countries, are being conducted in various parts of Azerbaijan, including the capital Baku, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, and in the territories liberated after a 44-day war with Armenia in the fall of 2020.

Also on Tuesday, the TRNC started two days of joint military exercises in Northern Cyprus.

The land phase of the Martyr Ensign Caner Gönyeli-2023 Search and Rescue Invitation Exercise on Tuesday started with the participation of civilian and military elements.

The aim of the exercise is to protect the rights and interests of Türkiye and the TRNC in the Search and Rescue (SAR) area in the Eastern Mediterranean.

It also aims to assist in the official registration and strengthening of the sovereignty of the TRNC, to draw public attention to the value that is given to search and rescue activities, and to SAR region boundaries.

Seven countries – Azerbaijan, Djibouti, Philippines, Kosovo, Qatar, Libya and Pakistan – are attending the exercise as observers.

The naval part of the exercise will be held on Wednesday in the TRNC’s territorial waters.

Speaking at a press briefing, Maj. Gen. Osman Aytaç, the TRNC’s Security Forces commander, said search and rescue activities require professional personnel, good organization, close coordination and cooperation.

He added that Turkish Cyprus search and rescue teams have carried out 112 search and rescue missions since 2002.

“The TRNC is ready to carry out search and rescue operations in all environments, day and night, in territorial waters or international waters, at any time, in unity with elements of its (ancestral) homeland, the Republic of Türkiye,” Aytaç stressed.

The island of Cyprus has been mired in a decadeslong dispute between Turkish and Greek Cypriots despite a series of diplomatic efforts by the United Nations to achieve a comprehensive settlement.

Türkiye fully supports a two-state solution on the island based on sovereign equality and equal international status between its two states.

Source: Daily Sabah

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Armenian MPs Raise The Issue of The Threat of Genocide by Azerbaijan in Artsakh in Turkey Sat, 20 May 2023 08:11:38 +0000 At the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, the members of the Armenian…

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At the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, the members of the Armenian delegation raised the issue of the blockade of the Lachin Corridor, emphasized the danger of the genocide of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijan, ARMENPRESS was informed from the parliament of Armenia.

The MPs presented what work they carried out within the framework of the session of the PA.

The focus of the agenda was the role of parliamentary diplomacy in the dynamics of global change. Reports on different topics were made by different countries.

The focus of the agenda was the role of parliamentary diplomacy in the dynamics of global transformations. Reports on different topics were made by different countries.

“First, I reflected on the blockade of the Lachin Corridor, the recent events, the installation of a checkpoint and I called on Azerbaijan to respect the statement signed by them on November 9, to which, of course, they reacted furiously,” said Babken Tunyan, the head of the Armenian delegation.

During the session, Gevorg Papoyan stressed that Azerbaijan has illegally blockaded Artsakh and Artsakh Armenians.

“I emphasized that these people are now facing many social problems, there is a shortage of medicine and food. And there, in fact, there is a danger of genocide. And, of course, Azerbaijan is the first to blame and responsible for this,” said Papoyan.

“I emphasized that these people are now facing many social problems, there is a shortage of medicine and food. And there, in fact, there is a danger of genocide. And, of course, Azerbaijan is the first to blame and responsible for this,” said Papoyan.

The members of the parliamentary delegation of Armenia also sent an admonition to the Secretary General, Azerbaijani citizen Asaf Hajiyev, who, being an international civil servant, violated the principle of political neutrality.

Babken Tunyan informed that recently, using the organization’s social network platforms, he made one-sided statements. Speaking as an official in an interview with the Turkish media, he made inadmissible remarks against Armenia and several other countries, threatening to use force.

“We gave the last warning. We called on him not only to remove these publications, but also to never try to make such expressions in the future,” Tunyan said.

Source: Armen Press

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First ladies send solidarity messages to earthquake-hit Türkiye Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:07:14 +0000 First ladies from all corners of the world continued to voice solidarity with Türkiye after deadly earthquakes that affected 10…

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First ladies from all corners of the world continued to voice solidarity with Türkiye after deadly earthquakes that affected 10 provinces in the country’s south.

In separate phone calls with first lady Emine Erdoğan, Jordanian Queen Rania Al Abdullah and Azerbaijani first lady Mehriban Aliyeva expressed condolences for those who lost their lives in the earthquakes and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.

“The grief of the Turkish people is our grief,” Aliyeva said on Twitter.

Erdoğan said Azerbaijan was one of the first countries to rush to Türkiye’s aid at this difficult moment. “Thank you for your support. It’s nice to know that our friends are with us.”

For her part, first lady Olena Zelenska of war-hit Ukraine tweeted on Monday, “Despite our own tragedy, our thoughts and prayers are with Türkiye today. Deaths and suffering of thousands of people – indescribable pain.”

Mentioning Erdoğan in the tweet, she added, “We are here for you and ready to help in any way possible. My condolences to those affected by the tragedy. Ukraine is with you.”

Erdoğan responded by expressing Türkiye’s gratitude for Zelenska’s condolence message and support, saying, “We are facing pain beyond words. I have no doubt that, with unity and solidarity, we will overcome this together.”

In a separate tweet on Thursday, Zelenska said Ukraine shared the pain of Türkiye’s losses and was doing everything possible to help overcome the “terrible consequences” of the earthquakes.

Uzbekistan’s first lady Ziroatkhon Hoshimova also conveyed her condolences to Erdogan, as did Maria Begona Gomez Fernandez, the wife of Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, expressing her sadness and solidarity with Türkiye.

“We are deeply shaken by the enormity of the tragedy. Our hearts go out to the earthquake victims, their families and rescue teams,” she added.

Martine Moise, the wife of former Haitian President Jovenel Moise, said on Twitter that the prayers of Haiti were also with Türkiye, especially those affected by the earthquake tragedy.

Source : Daily Sabah

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Azerbaijani citizen mobilized whole family to help Türkiye Mon, 13 Feb 2023 12:36:51 +0000 Server Beşirli’s car in which he delivered aid to help earthquake victims in Türkiye, in Baku, Azerbaijan, Feb.…

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Server Beşirli’s car in which he delivered aid to help earthquake victims in Türkiye, in Baku, Azerbaijan, Feb. 11, 2023.

An Azerbaijani citizen named Server Beşirli who won millions of hearts with his heart-touching photograph in which he could be seen rushing to help the earthquake victims in his car with a Turkish flag on top, continues to look for ways to help deliver aid to the region.

His actions speak volumes about his endearment of the Turkish nation.

The photograph, where the man can be seen driving his decrepit 1981 model car loaded with several mattresses on the roof, bags of clothing and boxes on the open trunk, made the rounds on social media.

Living in a shack himself, Beşirli loaded all he had into his car and drove to deliver the aid to a special center created for the aid collection in the capital Baku.

“I was devastated to hear the disaster that struck our brother country Türkiye in early hours,” Beşirli said, speaking to Daily Sabah. “(Me and my whole family) were shocked. (In the morning) we got together with relatives and looked for ways to help our brothers in Türkiye.”

Beşirli stated that they collected blankets and clothes to keep warm from several houses including from his home, his father’s, aunt’s and cousin’s homes, and loaded into the car and set out for the aid collection center.

“They took a photo of (the car) on the way. I don’t know who did. After I delivered the aid and returned, I heard everyone was talking about me,” he said.

Beşirli noted that the next morning they collected money for food aid to Türkiye.

Source : Daily Sabah

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