Corruption Archives · Ankara Haftalik National Focus on Turkey Wed, 29 Mar 2023 16:16:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Corruption Archives · Ankara Haftalik 32 32 Fragile Tajikistan Government in Need of Reforms Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Brussels, Berlin (21/3 – 42.86) Tajikistan, a small fragile country in Central Asia, has been facing a multitude…

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Brussels, Berlin (21/3 – 42.86)

Tajikistan, a small fragile country in Central Asia, has been facing a multitude of issues in recent years. With a population of just over 9 million, the country has been plagued by corruption, crimes against humanity, violation of human rights, and impoverishment of the people.

The neighboring Taliban regime in Kabul is threatening Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan over water resources with constructing a 258-kilometer Kosh Tepa canal. The hydraulic dam structure will deplete the central Asian states water resources. War preparations are continuously reported in local central Asian news outlet after defense ministers from the region met.  

In the face of these challenges, the need for government reforms has become increasingly apparent. In neighboring Kazakhstan, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has instituted a series of reforms aimed at addressing similar issues. It is time for Tajikistan to follow suit or face fragility that leads to the demise of the regime.

Corruption is one of the most pressing issues in Tajikistan. According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, Tajikistan ranks 167 out of 180 countries. Corruption is rampant in the country’s public sector, with bribery and nepotism being common practices. This has resulted in a lack of transparency and accountability, as well as a loss of public trust in government institutions.

 “To address corruption in Tajikistan, it will be important to strengthen institutions, promote transparency and accountability, and encourage civil society participation in governance processes”

Besides the mass corruption perpetuated by the despotic rule of President Emomali Rahmon and his extended family, gross violations of citizen’s human rights have flourished as Rahmon seeks to consolidate his rule and prepare to pass the power onto his young son Rustam Emomali, who is popularly known as “The Mute” for his unsmiling photos and near total lack of public speaking engagements.  

Tajik bloggers writing anonymously for fear of landing in the torture cells of Tajikistan’s notorious prisons describe how the family power struggles could be the subject of an action-packed Hollywood film entitled, “Legacy of the Playboy Prince,” in reference to Rustam’s preference for soccer, fast cars, and women, and his older sister’s impatience with his immaturity.

“Legacy of the Playboy Prince”:  A Film in the Making

We follow the story of an aging ruler who, facing his own mortality, becomes increasingly determined to pass the mantle of leadership onto his playboy son. Despite the son’s lack of interest and experience in governance, and preference for soccer and sports cars, the father believes that the son is the only one capable of carrying on the family’s legacy.

However, the ruler’s seven daughters and oligarch husbands, who have long been vying for power and influence in the country, are not willing to relinquish their claims to the throne. As the playboy son is groomed for leadership, the daughters grow increasingly resentful and begin to plot against him.

As tensions rise and the country becomes increasingly divided, the playboy prince must navigate a treacherous political landscape, and overcome the challenges posed by his own family members and a devious elderly head of the secret police who has been collecting all the family secrets. Will he be able to terrorize his subjects as effectively as his brutal father, or will he be consumed by the ruthless ambition of those around him?

“Legacy of the Playboy Prince” is a gripping drama that explores themes of lust for power, family dynamics, and the corrupting influence of wealth and privilege. With a talented cast and a compelling storyline, this film is sure to captivate audiences and leave them on the edge of their seats.”

In Kazakhstan, President Tokayev has made fighting corruption a top priority. Since taking office in 2019, he has established an anti-corruption agency, strengthened asset disclosure requirements for public officials, and initiated a crackdown on high-profile corruption cases. These efforts have led to a significant improvement in Kazakhstan’s ranking on the Corruption Perceptions Index, from 124 in 2019 to 94 in 2021.

Tajikistan could learn from Kazakhstan’s example and take similar steps to combat corruption. The establishment of an independent anti-corruption agency, strict asset disclosure requirements, and increased transparency and accountability in public institutions could go a long way in addressing the issue.

Human rights violations are another major concern in Tajikistan. The country has been criticized by the United Nations and Amnesty International for its treatment of political dissidents, journalists, and civil society activists. There are confirmed reports of torture, forced disappearances, and extrajudicial killings. Freedom of speech and religion are severely restricted, and independent media is virtually non-existent.

In Kazakhstan, President Tokayev has made some progress in improving human rights. He has released political prisoners, allowed greater freedom of speech, and created a human rights ombudsman position. However, much more needs to be done to fully address human rights abuses in the country.

Tajikistan should follow Kazakhstan’s lead in promoting and protecting human rights. This could include releasing political prisoners, allowing greater freedom of speech and assembly, and establishing an independent human rights ombudsman. The government should also work to create an environment in which civil society can thrive, with independent media outlets and a robust network of non-governmental organizations.

Finally, Tajikistan is one of the poorest countries in Central Asia, with a GDP per capita of just $925. Poverty is widespread, with many people lacking access to basic necessities such as clean water and sanitation. The country’s economy is heavily reliant on remittances from migrant workers, leaving it vulnerable to external shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Kazakhstan, President Tokayev has initiated economic reforms aimed at diversifying the economy and reducing reliance on natural resources. These reforms include investing in infrastructure, promoting small and medium-sized enterprises, and improving the business climate. While the reforms are still in their early stages, they hold promise for the country’s long-term economic development.

Tajikistan could benefit from similar economic reforms. The government should work to diversify the economy and promote entrepreneurship, with a focus on creating jobs and reducing poverty. Investment in infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, could help to improve access to basic necessities such as clean water and electricity.

In conclusion, Tajikistan faces a range of challenges that require urgent attention from the government. Corruption, human rights abuses, and poverty are widespread, and the country’s institutions lack transparency and accountability. President Tokayev’s reforms in Kazakhstan offer a potential roadmap for addressing the challenges Tajikistan faces.

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Bayegan Group CEO is jostling to enter the Kurdish oil market Thu, 05 Jan 2023 22:07:52 +0000 Rüya Bayegan using prime minister Barzani’s right hand – Rania Majeed – to elbow her way back to…

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Rüya Bayegan using prime minister Barzani’s right hand – Rania Majeed – to elbow her way back to KRG?

Ankara, Erbil (4/1 – 45).

Rüya Bayegan, the CEO of BGN International and its Turkey-based subsidiary Bayegan Group, was once considered an instrumental member of the petrochemical industry in Turkey. However, as of at least October 2022, Bayegan and her husband, Ercüment Bayegan, have been under investigation by Turkish authorities on allegations of fraud, document forgeries and tax evasion as a result of their role in the disastrous Yurtgas scandal.

The recent contract between BGN International with the Indonesian state owned oil and gas company Pertamina raises questions in Jakarta with various government supervisory agencies.

In June 2022 the magazine Upstream reported the Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission, the Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), has reportedly launched an investigation into possible graft relating to the historic procurement of liquefied natural gas by national oil company Pertamina.

In an attempt to prove Rüya Bayegan utility to the Turkish government and dampen her fall from grace, it appears that Bayegan is turning to long familiar partners in Kurdistan.

Bayegan Group/BGN has a history of operating in Kurdistan, but little information is available in the public domain. Turkish energy policy heavily features the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) and as a former extension of Turkish economic objectives, Bayegan has proven to be a useful proxy there for politics as well as business.

Local sources note that Bayegan, and BGN/Bayegan Group, have intentionally obscured their relationships inside of Kurdistan’s government to maintain unincumbered access to the local oil and gas markets. It stands to reason that the KRG, which has garnered a reputation of being rife with “corruption, cronyism, and nepotism”, would also seek to downplay its relationship with external players benefitting from such a structure.

When Prime Minister Barzani took office, he vowed to address these issues, instating individuals in relevant positions in the more notorious of ministries, to include the Ministry for Natural Resources. However, when his appointee – Kamal Atroshi – became too focused on implementing anticorruption measures, Barzani turned his most powerful supporter and ally on him, forcing him out of his job.

In August 2022 the Fikra Forum highlighted that despite the promises of reform Kurdistan business as usual continues in the troubled region.

It is this ally, Prime Minister Barzani’s gatekeeper and close personal confidante, Dr. Rania Majeed (Ranya Majid), with whom Bayegan has maintained a quiet, close relationship. Majeed is known inside of KRG and among government insiders as the “untouchable” and fiercely loyal right hand to Barzani and manages relationships and highest priority objectives on Barzani’s political and personal agendas, to include in the oil and gas and housing sectors. According to Draw Dr. Rania Majeed was appointed in 2019 as the economic advisor to Masrour Barzani as a key appointee of the Kurdish administration tightly controlling the oil revenues to Kurdistan.  

Given that Bayegan is facing civil and potential criminal charges stemming from allegations of tax evasion, forgeries of documents, company names, and addresses, as well as unpaid million-dollar debts, it is no surprise that Kurdistan and Majeed have downplayed their relationship – a public connection between the two would throw their historical and ongoing professional collaborations under extraordinary scrutiny.  

“It is yet to be seen if the Kurdish administration continues to engage with questionable business partners to enrich themselves or not”, said a senior official in Ankara.

The recent contract between BGN International with Indonesian state owned oil and gas company, Pertamina raises questions in Jakarta with various government supervisory agencies.

Bayegan- Kurdish relationship

Bayegan and Majeed have shared a longstanding business relationship, mutually benefitting from their exclusive arrangements. It is through this relationship – and Majeed’s ability to influence the energy industry at her whim –  that Bayegan is able to access products before others in the industry.

Recently, It was reported that the KRG’s oil ministry offered Bayegan additional spot volumes previously designated for other trading partners. BGN International’s director Emin Imanov was quoted as stating that the company was offered and agreed to purchase these barrels. The price of BGN’s purchase remains undisclosed. 

Rania Majeed’s energy influence 

Given the important role the energy sector plays in KRG politics, it’s no surprise that Barzani has installed his number two as a gatekeeper for oil contracts. Barzani specifically requested that Majid serve as an advisor within the Ministry of Natural Resources in order to act a direct and trusted line of information within one of the most critical to his success as prime minister. 

Majeed serves as the primary interlocutor for the KRG’s energy relations with key stakeholders, ranging from internal decision-makers in the sector to external advisors and leaders. Together with RT Bank director Hamela Gardi and the director general of contracts and companies at the Ministry of Natural Resources, Dr. Ghazala, Majeed holds the keys to the proverbial kingdom, and has the latitude to dictate who end up among KRG’s energy partners.

A source in the Ministry of Natural Resources echoed a sentiment published in an article about Majeed’s influence, “no oil minister can encroach on the power of these three women in Barzani’s cabinet.”  

When previous Minister for Natural Resources Kamal Atroshi began pushing for transparency in the ministry, Majid intervened and sought to obstruct and undermine Atroshi’s efforts, resulting in Atroshi’s resignation in May 2022.  Majid also reportedly influenced Atroshi’s decision to change oil payment dates for invoices from 15 days to three months in 2020. 

Source: Cairo Herald

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