Europe Archives · Ankara Haftalik National Focus on Turkey Mon, 03 Jun 2024 16:22:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Europe Archives · Ankara Haftalik 32 32 Suicide rate in Russian Army up Sun, 02 Jun 2024 04:59:06 +0000 The recent fighting in Kharkiv raises some serious questions about the human cost of the conflict. It’s painful…

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The recent fighting in Kharkiv raises some serious questions about the human cost of the conflict. It’s painful to hear about the lives lost, the injuries sustained, or maimed for life. 

The narrative of the Ukrainian adventure being framed by Russia as an effort to free Ukraine from “neo-Nazis” is a and contentious one. Despite lengthy examinations.

Making combat footage public is a difficult decision, especially considering the potential biases involved. However, it’s crucial for the readers to see the harsh realities of war.

The reports of the Russian forces pushing hard in the Kharkiv pocket, with a sizable troop presence, are deeply concerning. Understanding their perspective on what they aim to achieve is crucial, even if it’s rooted in instilling fear.

The blatant propaganda and hate spread by Russian propagandists, especially those who have a platform on evening TV shows, is now routine. Their clear articulation of Russia’s aggressive war strategy against not only Ukraine but also France and others who oppose their actions underscores the severity of the situation.

It’s alarming how Russian propaganda aims to create an “us versus them” mentality, pitting Russia against the West and anyone who opposes their aggressive agenda. This rhetoric only serves to further divide and polarize societies.

The tactics employed by Russia, including bombardments, assassinations, and military actions, are not only dangerous but also inhumane. They aim to spread fear and intimidate, rather than seek peaceful resolutions to conflicts.

In the face of such propaganda and aggression, it’s essential for the international community to stand united against these tactics and work towards de-escalating tensions through diplomacy and dialogue. 

But the reality looks different.

Russian suicide rate drastic, says observer

The concerning rise in suicide rates among troops in the trenches, along with increased levels of injuries and resentment among Russian soldiers, paints a grim picture of the toll of war. The fact that the suicide rate among Russian troops is higher underscores the severity of the situation and raises alarms about the mental health among Russian troops.

The expressions of concern from Russian commanders regarding troop morale highlight the significant impact that these conditions are having on military effectiveness. 

Russian injured in Ukrainian hospitals

The reports of Russian soldiers being severely injured and abandoned by their comrades paint a distressing picture of the lack of support. The absence of the traditional “battle buddy” system, where soldiers support each other in combat, only exacerbates the challenges faced by those on the front lines.

This abandonment not only affects the morale of the troops but also raises serious ethical concerns about the treatment of fellow soldiers in times of need. 

The fact that injured Russian soldiers are being cared for by Ukrainian medical teams, even amid conflict, speaks volumes about the humanity and compassion of those providing medical aid. 

Addressing the issues of support and care for injured soldiers is crucial not only for morale but also for maintaining the integrity of all involved in conflict. 

Fallen Russians

The extensive coverage of Russians killed in the line of battle on social media highlights the brutal reality of the conflict. While Russian media may dismiss these reports as Ukrainian propaganda, it’s clear that the brutality of the Russian war of aggression cannot be ignored.

Even if some of the social media coverage may be influenced by propaganda, the loss of life and suffering experienced by individuals caught in the crossfire are undeniable truths. 

The widespread dissemination of information through social media platforms underscores the power of citizen journalism in documenting and sharing the realities of conflict. 

Ultimately, it’s crucial for the international community to seek avenues for peace and dialogue to end the cycle of violence and suffering in regions affected by conflict. Ignoring or dismissing the evidence of brutality only perpetuates further harm and division.

The surrender of Russian soldiers to Ukrainian forces marks a significant development in the conflict. The fate of these prisoners is indeed uncertain, as it involves complex political, legal, and humanitarian considerations. 

The Ukrainian government and international organizations may need to work together to ensure their proper treatment according to international law.

Russians surrender

The contrast between how Ukrainian forces treat Russian prisoners compared to the treatment of prisoners by Russian forces highlights a significant divergence in approaches to warfare. 

While the conflict may seem distant to many Russians, the increasing number of Russian soldiers surrendering underscores its tangible impact. The humane treatment of Russian prisoners by Ukrainian forces stands in stark contrast to reports of poor treatment by Russian authorities. 

This discrepancy not only reflects different standards of conduct but also underscores broader humanitarian and moral considerations within the ongoing conflict.

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Russia: When troop levels are not enough? Thu, 23 May 2024 16:21:41 +0000 Moscow 22/5 (57.14) According to NATO’s top military official, Russia does not have enough troops to make a…

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Moscow 22/5 (57.14)

According to NATO’s top military official, Russia does not have enough troops to make a significant advance in the north-east of Ukraine.

“The Russians don’t have the numbers necessary to do a strategic breakthrough,” NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe Christopher Cavoli told reporters last week. “They don’t have the skill and the capability to do it; to operate at the scale necessary to exploit any breakthrough to strategic advantage,” the general said. 

According to earlier statements by Putin, Russia’s intention is not to take the city of Kharkiv, but rather to create a security zone, a sanitary zone in the region. Russian forces continue their offensive in Ukraine, yet General Cavoli does not believe there will be a major breakthrough. 

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“Don’t protest against the president.” Pressure on the family of the opposition in Tajikistan Thu, 09 May 2024 16:56:47 +0000 A group of opponents of the Tajik government in Europe said that the authorities have increased pressure on…

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A group of opponents of the Tajik government in Europe said that the authorities have increased pressure on their relatives inside the country for three days.

The reason, according to them, was that “the president of the Republic of Tajikistan is likely to visit one of the European countries, and the representatives of the opposition should not hold demonstrations, raise slogans, and throw eggs against him.”

Tajik authorities have not yet announced the president’s visit abroad. Our efforts to get an official comment have so far been unsuccessful. The travel time is also not exact.

“The authorities demand the parents and other relatives of the Tajik opposition to force their children not to participate in any demonstrations or gatherings during Emomali Rahmon’s visit,” the statement of Paimon Milli, a coalition of four opposition organizations, said.

No official comment is available.

Officials of the National Alliance said on March 19 that such a threat has so far reached the relatives of Sharofiddin Gadoev, Salim Sultanzoda, Shohrajab Shohimi, Abdushukur Mannonov and other activists.

Sharofiddin Gadoev said that, in fact, his mother was called to the Department of Internal Affairs of Farkhor district two days ago. “They said there, tell your son not to protest against the president in Europe,” he said.

A similar situation happened on March 18 to the relatives of Shohrajab Shohimi, one of the representatives of the opposition, in the city of Panjakent. Shahimi says, “they even sent me a recording of my mother’s voice. In it, my mother scolded me and begged me not to join any group, not to protest.”

We also spoke with relatives of some of the opposition inside Tajikistan. They confirmed such conversations, but asked us not to publish their names and words in order not to cause difficulties in their work and life.

Meanwhile, representatives of the opposition in Europe claim that the authorities registered the house, car, land and other assets of their parents and “received a letter that if their children take part in demonstrations against Emomali Rahmon, they will confiscate everything.”

Mahmadzarif Saidov, a member of the Islamic Renaissance Banned Party in Tajikistan, says that on March 19, the authorities told his son to take the documents of the house to the security office of Dushanbe.

“Before that, the authorities took my parents, brother and eighteen-year-old son to the security office of Rudaki district and took a promise and a letter. My son asked me to promise in a video that I will not participate in the protests during the president’s visit. I did this in order not to put pressure on my parents. Saidov added.

In a statement on March 19, the National Alliance called the behavior of the Tajik authorities a “crime against humanity” and asked the government to “stop taking hostages of relatives and friends of political opponents.”

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan was in Germany in October 2023, when the opposition gathered against him, raised slogans and threw eggs at his car. This situation provoked the anger of the authorities and the relatives of some of the opponents were arrested and some were completely deprived of the use of electricity.

Human Rights Watch said in a report at that time that about 50 relatives of Berlin protesters were arrested in Tajikistan and some were released only after interrogation.

Source: Ozodi

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Russians Eavesdropped on Secret Conversations between German General’s German Chancellor Promises “Meticulous Investigation” Mon, 22 Apr 2024 10:19:21 +0000 Berlin/Singapore (1/3 – 38.46).               Russian propagandists have published a recording of a “conversation between four senior German officers”.…

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Berlin/Singapore (1/3 – 38.46).              

Russian propagandists have published a recording of a “conversation between four senior German officers”. In it, they discuss the possible supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. The recording is authentic, the Bundeswehr has since confirmed. “This is a very serious matter and that is why it is now the subject of a very meticulous, in-depth and rapid investigation,” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said.

On Friday afternoon, a half-hour recording of the conversation, which reportedly dates to Monday, Feb. 19, circulated on Russian propaganda channels. Margarita Simonyan, the head of Russia’s state broadcaster RT, then published the recording. She did not say how she obtained it.

It concerns a meeting that was held between Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz and three officers using the platform Webex for videoconferencing (!), writes ‘Die Welt’. During the conversation in Singapore, the four senior officers could be heard discussing the theoretical possibilities of deploying German Taurus missiles, apparently in preparation for a briefing to the German government. They talk about the challenges that a delivery of such missiles to Ukraine entails.


The four officers do not assume that German soldiers should necessarily be sent to Ukraine for this. However, this is exactly what Chancellor Olaf Scholz has repeatedly used as a reason for not supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine. According to him, Germany would thus be dragged into the conflict.

The officers also talk about the training of Ukrainian pilots and share technical details about missile systems. They also discuss several targets that the Ukrainians could attack with the Taurus – including ammunition depots and the Kerch Bridge (or Crimean Bridge), a key supply route for Russia-occupied Crimea.

What would make the publication of the recording even more painful for Berlin is that the participants in the call also discuss details about deliveries of Scalp long-range missiles by France and the United Kingdom.

“If this story is true, then this would be a highly problematic incident,” Konstanin van Notz, chairman of the parliamentary committee that monitors the secret services, told the newspapers of the RND group.


It’s unclear how the Russians got the shot. One of the officers taking part in the interview is staying in a hotel in Singapore at the time. It is conceivable that he was bugged there, that his phone was compromised or that he dialed in via an unsecured Wi-Fi network.

Given that it was Russian propagandists who sent the audio recording into the ether, it seems obvious that Russian secret services are behind it.

German Chancellor Scholz promises quick clarification on the Russian publication of a recording of a conversation among German air force officers about support for Ukraine. “This is a very serious matter and that is why it is now the subject of a very meticulous, in-depth and rapid investigation,” he said after an audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican.

Damage Mitigation

The Bundeswehr tried to limit the damage on Friday by blocking accounts on X that distributed the recording in Germany.

The German Ministry of Defense is investigating whether the communications of the air force are being tapped by the Russians. “The German Military Counterintelligence Service (BAMAD) has initiated all necessary measures,” a ministry spokesman said.

The question of how secure the Bundeswehr’s internal communications are via unencrypted platforms such as Webex may be raised now that the audio recording has been found to be authentic. It is also possible that other communications were intercepted by the Russians.

The Russian Foreign Ministry had requested a statement from the German government, following the reports about the conversation. “Attempts to avoid answers will be interpreted as an admission of guilt,” said Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the Russian ministry.

Source : DPG Media

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Sri Lanka ends visas for hundreds of thousands of Russians staying there to avoid war Wed, 10 Apr 2024 16:04:28 +0000 Sri Lanka has told hundreds of thousands of Russians and some Ukrainians staying in the country to escape the war that…

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Sri Lanka has told hundreds of thousands of Russians and some Ukrainians staying in the country to escape the war that they must leave in the next two weeks, immigration officers said.

The immigration controller issued a notice to the tourism ministry asking Russian and Ukrainian people staying on extended tourist visas to leave Sri Lanka within two weeks from 23 February.

Just over 288,000 Russians and nearly 20,000 Ukrainians have traveled to Sri Lanka in the last two years since the war began, according to official data.

Commissioner-General of Immigration said the “government is not granting further visa extensions” as the “flight situation has now normalised”.

However, the office of president Ranil Wickremesinghe ordered an investigation of the notice to the tourism ministry in an apparent bid to prevent diplomatic tensions.

The president’s office said that the notice had been issued without prior cabinet approval and the government had not officially decided to revoke the visa extensions, reported the Sri Lankan newspaper Daily Mirror.

The exact number of visitors who extended their stay beyond the typical 30-day tourist visa duration remains unclear.

<p>Tourists push a stroller along Galle Fort in Gallehas after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine stranded many people on the tropical island</p>
Tourists push a stroller along Galle Fort in Gallehas after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine stranded many people on the tropical island (AFP via Getty Images)

However, concerns have been raised over thousands of Russians and a smaller number of Ukrainians staying in the country for an extended period of time and even setting up their own restaurants and nightclubs.

Tourism minister Harin Fernando told Daily Mirror that the ministry has been receiving complaints of some Russian tourists running unregistered and illegal businesses in the southern part of the country.

Raids were conducted by the authorities following discussions with the Immigration Department, he said.

It comes amid a furious social media backlash over Russian-run businesses with a “whites only” policy that strictly bars locals. These businesses include bars, restaurants, water sports and vehicle hiring services.

In a bid to boost tourism and recover from its worst economic crisis since 2022, Sri Lanka began granting 30-days visas on arrival and extensions for up to six months.

In April 2022, the nation defaulted on its $46bn (£36 bn) foreign debt. The economic crisis triggered violent street protests for several months and ultimately culminated in the resignation of then-president Gotabaya Rajapaksa three months later.

Source: Independent

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Army should permanently station armor brigade in Poland, report argues Sat, 23 Mar 2024 03:41:15 +0000 The U.S. military should reassess its force posture in Europe and reduce its reliance on revolving door-style unit…

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The U.S. military should reassess its force posture in Europe and reduce its reliance on revolving door-style unit rotations, a major think tank’s analysts concluded in a Monday report.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies’ transnational threat team based their study on official documents, open-source materials and interviews with subject-matter experts.

Army Sgt. Ryan Duginski, an M1 Abrams tank master gunner assigned to Task Force Raider, performs a remote-fire procedure to ensure the tank’s proper functions at Bemowo Piskie Training Area, Poland, Nov. 6, 2018. (Sgt. Arturo Guzman/Army)

The report’s authors recommend that the Army abandon the rotational armor brigade deployment model that “eats up … the Army’s force structure and long-term readiness.” Currently, two armor brigades are deployed to Europe. Instead, the report said, the service should permanently station an Armored Brigade Combat Team in Poland to replace one rotational unit and eliminate the remaining rotation altogether.

An Army Times investigation found that tank brigades and enlisted tank crew members were at higher risk of suicide than other soldiers in recent years, due in part to a decade of high operational tempo fueled by such non-combat deployments. The service once had armor brigades in Europe, but they were removed in the early 2010s.

Currently, the Army maintains a large presence of rotational forces in Europe. V Corps’ forward headquarters in Poznan, Poland oversees the three temporarily deployed brigade combat teams, which includes one light infantry brigade in addition to the two armor brigades. Other rotational forces include division headquarters, a combat aviation brigade, fires assets and sustainment units.

But the short-tour model has consequences, the report’s authors argued. They cost more money in the long-term compared to permanent bases, and they are less integrated into the continent’s culture and defense network. The deployment-based model negatively impacts soldiers, too — the authors said evidence suggests they “separate military personnel from their families,” causing “low morale” that can spawn “discipline issues and increased divorce rates.”

Army spokesperson Col. Roger Cabiness II told Army Times, however, that “forward basing of an ABCT is not a simple task.” Doing so would require diplomatic and legislative approvals both at home and abroad.

Despite efforts to reduce their operational tempo, the Army’s armor units continue to deploy at a high rate to fulfill the Europe requirements. The 4th Infantry Division’s 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team cased its colors Monday, signifying its departure for an eight- or nine-month Europe rotation. The Iron Brigade’s new mission is beginning roughly 16 months after returning to Fort Carson, Colorado from another Europe deployment that wrapped in December 2022.

The report’s authors also recommended that the Air Force station an additional F-16 squadron in Germany; increase anti-submarine warfare capability and air defense forces; bolster stockpiles of prepositioned equipment and ammunition; and continue modernization, cyber, space and security cooperation efforts.

Source: Army Times

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About 200,000 people protest across Germany against far-right AfD party Mon, 05 Feb 2024 02:36:38 +0000 Chancellor says protests are ‘strong sign in favour of democracy’ as demonstrators gather in Berlin, Dresden, Hanover and…

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Chancellor says protests are ‘strong sign in favour of democracy’ as demonstrators gather in Berlin, Dresden, Hanover and other cities

About 200,000 people have taken to the streets of Germany in further protests against the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Protests on Saturday also took place in Dresden, Mainz and Hanover in a sign of growing alarm at strong public support for AfD.

Roughly 150,000 people flocked to the Reichstag parliament building in Berlin, where protesters gathered under the slogan “We are the Firewall” to protest against right-wing extremism and to show support for democracy.

The chancellor, Olaf Scholz, wrote on X: “Whether in Eisenach, Homburg or Berlin: in small and large cities across the country, many citizens are coming together to demonstrate against forgetting, against hatred and hate speech.”

He said the protests were “a strong sign in favour of democracy and our constitution”.

AfD’s success has stoked concern among Germany’s mainstream parties, who fear it could win three state elections in eastern Germany in September, even though recent polls have shown a slight decline in AfD support.

Jakob Springfeld, who speaks for the NGO Solidarity Network Saxony, said he was shocked that it had taken such a long time for mass demonstrations against the far right, given the AfD had been successful in many smaller communities already.

“But there’s a jolt now. And the fact that the jolt is coming provides hope I believe,” he said.

Earlier this week, a Forsa poll showed that backing for AfD had dropped below 20% for the first time since July, with voters citing countrywide demonstrations against the far right as the most important issue.

According to the poll, AfD remained in second place behind the main opposition party, the conservative Christian Democratic Union, on 32%, while Scholz’s centre-left Social Democrats polled third at 15%.

The protests, which are now in their fourth week, followed a report last month that two senior AfD members had attended a meeting to discuss plans for the mass deportation of citizens of foreign origin. AfD has denied that the proposal represented party policy.

AfD co-leader Tino Chrupalla told broadcaster Deutschlanfunk that while it was “legitimate to take to the streets”, protesters should not allow themselves to be used to distract parties from the country’s actual problems.

Chrupalla said Germany included Germans with a migrant background and that his party was not planning to expel them.


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Why Greece-Türkiye rapprochement can be a win-win for all Thu, 01 Feb 2024 04:32:13 +0000 The latest meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Athens has…

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The latest meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Athens has signalled a historic turning point in the longstanding impasse between Türkiye and Greece.

The positive remarks from both leaders during the joint press conference marked a shift towards a more cooperative and constructive relationship after years of tension between the neighbours.

Erdogan’s vision to turn the Aegean into a “sea of peace and cooperation” and Mitsotakis’ call for a “future of peace, progress, and cooperation” set an optimistic tone, opening the door to potential bilateral resolutions and regional stability in the East Mediterranean Sea.

Erdogan’s constructive statesmanship and statements before his visit to Athens formed a basis for this new situation.

A diplomatic breakthrough

The Eastern Mediterranean energy conflict lies at the heart of the tensions between Ankara and Athens – a complex issue rooted in disputes over maritime boundaries and energy resources.

The recent meeting between Erdogan and Mitsotakis hints at a commitment to finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Resolving this dispute is not only about easing immediate tensions but also holds broader implications for the stability and prosperity of the entire region.

In that regard, Türkiye may play a pivotal role in providing a win-win resolution to the EastMed energy dilemma for all parties.

Situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Türkiye serves as an intercontinental bridge and pan-regional energy hub for transporting Eastern Mediterranean gas to European markets.

For instance, international projects like TurkStream and TANAP, designed for efficient transportation of natural gas through Anatolia, put Türkiye as the most cost-effective and prudent destination and partner for fostering mutually beneficial collaborations in transportation ventures to the Western side of the world.

When it comes to facilities, Ankara’s well-established capacity in exploring, drilling and extracting gas can contribute to a potential joint campaign led by Greece and Türkiye, with the involvement of other regional actors, instead of paying for non-regional actors.

Furthermore, Türkiye’s discovery of natural gas reserves with a market value of $1 trillion in the Black Sea has marked the beginning of a new era for the country in self-sufficiency in meeting its natural gas requirements.

Such potential campaigns not only benefit Ankara but also create a mutually advantageous scenario for the entire region, fostering economic growth and stability with regional ‘cooperation’ as the only way out of the energy dilemma.

Regional cooperation platform

A strengthened partnership between Türkiye and Greece transcends economic benefits.

The Eastern Mediterranean region has witnessed increased militarisation in the past few years. And a cooperative approach will not only reduce the likelihood of armed confrontations but also provide a framework for crafting a blueprint to address the energy dilemma under Greece and Türkiye’s leadership, fostering a more stable and prosperous region.

Therefore, it is imperative to establish a cooperation platform for projecting an inclusive roadmap, encouraging all stakeholders to adopt a comprehensive maritime concord, and ensuring fairness and compliance with international law, such as the regional accord between Türkiye and Libya signed in 2019.

Moreover, the positive momentum generated by this diplomatic thaw may open the door to increased cultural and people-to-people exchanges under the realities of shared history, cultural ties, and geographical proximity between the people of Greece and Türkiye.

Global implications

In the broader context of international relations, the growing diplomatic ties between Türkiye and Greece send a positive message about the efficacy of diplomatic solutions to longstanding conflicts.

In an era dominated by geopolitical tensions, the success of dialogue and negotiation over confrontation sets a precedent for resolving disputes through political means. The renewed friendship between Greece and Türkiye stands as an example for other nations facing longstanding conflicts, emphasising the power of diplomacy in overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges.

The reconciliation, along with numerous agreements, also underscores the international optimism surrounding the leaders’ commitment to resolving longstanding issues and promoting cooperation.

While this diplomatic breakthrough is a cause for optimism, it is essential to recognise the challenges ahead.

Building trust and sustaining positive momentum requires continued efforts from both sides. The implementation of confidence-building measures, ongoing dialogue, and a commitment to compromise will be crucial as the world watches with hope that this positive momentum will not only endure but also inspire other nations to seek diplomatic solutions to their own longstanding issues.

Consequently, the recent meeting can be a decisive moment to end the turbulent situation in the Eastern Mediterranean. The potential benefits of improved relations extend beyond the bilateral scope, influencing the economic, security, and cultural landscape of the entire region.

As both nations embark on a journey towards friendship, the imperative now lies in leveraging international mediation to establish a joint task platform for resource management.

This platform, committed to transparently handling the exploration and distribution of energy resources, has the potential to capitalise on Türkiye’s expertise and facilities in exploration, drilling, and transportation.

For championing a win-win vision, this reconciliation should pursue a lasting resolution that can uplift the entire region. It not only boosts stability but also sets a significant precedent for productive cooperation in the complex Eastern Mediterranean geopolitics.

Source: TRT World

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Mitsotakis hails significant normalization in Greece’s relations with Türkiye Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:27:00 +0000 ATHENS Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said Wednesday that his country has achieved a significant normalization in its…

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Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said Wednesday that his country has achieved a significant normalization in its relations with Türkiye.

In an interview with public broadcaster ERT, Mitsotakis noted that the normalization is reflected in concrete developments such as a visa facilitation scheme announced during Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Athens in December, fighting irregular migration and negotiations to improve bilateral economic and commercial ties.

Recalling that he and Erdogan met three times last year, Mitsotakis noted that he is much more optimistic over prospects for Greek-Turkish relations.

He noted that there are numerous disputes between the two countries which Athens intends to approach in a good mood to resolve.

He added, however, that Greece and Türkiye should be able to learn to co-exist in a region tested by various challenges even if their differences remain unsolved.

Asserting that relations with the US have been elevated to a very high level, as affirmed by US Secretary State Antony Blinken, whom he met last Saturday, Mitsotakis said this brings economic, military and diplomatic benefits to the country.

More specifically on the country’s long-awaited request for F-35 fighter jets from Washington, he said: “The Greek government has submitted a substantiated request to acquire F-35 jet fighters, and I believe this request is mature and will be approved by the American authorities…relatively soon, in my opinion.”

Also speaking on the much-contested issue of same-sax marriage, Mitsotakis reiterated that the government remains committed to legalizing it.

Nonetheless, he noted that the government’s bill would not include approval for the use of a surrogate mother by same-sex couples. ​​​​​​​

Source: AA

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Türkiye refutes Greek channel’s disinformation aimed at disrupting Ankara, Athens relations Wed, 24 Jan 2024 04:18:06 +0000 ISTANBUL Türkiye’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun said Thursday that the country refuted manipulative news by a Greek channel…

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Türkiye’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun said Thursday that the country refuted manipulative news by a Greek channel that wanted to harm relations between Ankara and Athens. 

“Greece’s ANT1 television channel aired a news report during its main news bulletin, claiming that Türkiye harassed Greek fishermen in Kardak, based on some footage as evidence,” Fahrettin Altun wrote on X.

Altun said the footage was from three years ago and Turkish coast guard officials confirmed that there was no tension at that time.

He noted that the Center for Combating Disinformation announced the false news in three languages: Turkish, Greek and English.

“Following the denial, ANT1 television had to correct its news due to the reactions received. We are determined to continue our fight for the truth, not only for our country but for all of humanity,” he wrote.

Source: AA

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