Gaza Archives · Ankara Haftalik National Focus on Turkey Sun, 21 Jan 2024 04:27:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gaza Archives · Ankara Haftalik 32 32 U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says Turkey is committed to a ‘positive’ role in postwar Gaza as he opens a diplomatic push Sat, 27 Jan 2024 04:23:29 +0000 CHANIA, Greece (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Saturday that Turkey is committed to playing…

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CHANIA, Greece (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Saturday that Turkey is committed to playing “a positive, productive” role for postwar Gaza and prepared to use its influence in the region to prevent the Israel-Hamas conflict from broadening even more.

The latest Mideast mission by America’s top diplomat opened with talks in Turkey and Greece before shifting to the region for “not necessarily easy conversations” with allies and partners about what they are willing to do “to build durable peace and security.”

Blinken’s fourth visit in three months comes as developments in Lebanonnorthern Israel, the Red Sea and Iraq have put intense strains on what had been a modestly successful U.S. push to prevent a regional conflagration since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, and as international criticism of Israel’s military operation mounts.

Blinken held meetings with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and foreign minister, Hakan Fidan, in Istanbul about what Turkey and others can do to exert influence, particularly on Iran and its proxies, to ease tensions, speed humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza and begin planning for reconstruction and governance of postwar Gaza. Much of the territory has been reduced to rubble by Israeli bombardments.

In Chania, a port city on the Mediterranean island of Crete, Blinken later visited with Greece’s prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, at his residence. “These are difficult and challenging times,” Mitsotakis said.

Blinken’s day was ending in Jordan, with stops in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia on Sunday and Monday. Blinken will visit Israel and the West Bank on Tuesday and Wednesday before wrapping up the trip in Egypt. He said his priorities are protecting civilians — “far too many Palestinians have been killed” — getting more humanitarian aid into Gaza, ensuring Hamas cannot strike again and developing a framework for Palestinian-led governance in the territory and “a Palestinian state with security assurances or Israel.”

The ultimate goal, he said, is lasting peace, and his talks will focuses on what U.S. allies and partners are prepared to do to help with that process.

“These are not necessarily easy conversations. There are different perspectives, different needs, different requirements, but it is vital that we engage in this diplomacy now both for the sake of Gaza itself and more broadly the sake of the future for Israelis and Palestinians and for the region as a whole,” Blinken said.

“There is clearly a strong desire among the majority of people in the region for a future that is one of peace, of security, of de-escalation of conflicts, of integration of countries and that’s one path, that’s one future. The other future is an endless cycle of violence, a repetition of the horrific events that we’ve seen and lives of insecurity and conflict for people in the region, which is what virtually no one wants.”

Turkey, and Erdogan in particular, have been harshly critical of Israel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the prosecution of the war and the impact it has had on Palestinian civilians.

But Blinken told reporters before he flew from Crete to Amman that “from our conversations today, it’s clear that Turkey is prepared to play a positive, productive role in the work that needs to happen the day after the conflict ends and as well more broadly in trying to find a path to sustainable peace and security.’’ Blinken would not go in details about what he heard from the Turkish officials.

“I think they’re also prepared … to use the ties, the influence they have, the relationships they have with some of the critical players and some of the critical countries in the region to do everything possible to deescalate and to prevent the conflict from spreading. … They clearly have a shared interest with us in doing just that and I’m confident from these conversations that they’re going to make every possible effort,” Blinken said.

Hours before Blinken’s meetings, Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah militia fired dozens of rockets at northern Israel and said the barrage was an initial response to the targeted killing, presumably by Israel, of a top leader from the allied Hamas group in Lebanon’s capital this past week.

Stepped-up attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels have disrupted international trade and led to increased efforts by the U.S. and its allies to patrol the vital commercial waterway and respond to threats. The coalition of countries issued what amounted to a final warning to the Houthis on Wednesday to cease their attacks on vessels or face potential targeted military action. Since Dec. 19, the militants have carried out at least two dozen attacks in response to the Israel-Hamas war.

From the Turkish officials, Blinken sought at least consideration of potential monetary or in-kind contributions to reconstruction efforts in Gaza and participation in security arrangements, according to U.S. officials.

Blinken also stressed the importance that the U.S. places on Turkey’s ratification of Sweden’s membership in NATO, a long-delayed process that the Turks have said they will complete soon. Sweden’s entry to the alliance is seen as a significant response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Turkish official said Fidan told Blinken that Israel’s “increasing aggression” in Gaza was a threat to the region and he called for an immediate cease-fire and the delivery of “uninterrupted” humanitarian aid. Fidan said negotiations for a two-state solution should begin “as soon as possible,” according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issues in the private talks.

Fidan also said Turkey was awaiting the outcome of its request to upgrade its fleet of F-16 fighter jets and stressed that the ratification of Sweden’s NATO membership lay in the hands of the Turkish parliament.

Source: The Star

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Hamas No. 3 Killed in Beirut Blast Wed, 03 Jan 2024 10:06:52 +0000 Latest Developments The third-most senior Hamas figure, Saleh al-Arouri, was killed on January 2 in a Beirut blast that Lebanese…

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Latest Developments

The third-most senior Hamas figure, Saleh al-Arouri, was killed on January 2 in a Beirut blast that Lebanese authorities blamed on Israel. Arouri was among at least four people who died in an Israeli drone strike on a Hamas media office in the southern Dahiyeh suburb of the Lebanese capital, a Hezbollah stronghold, authorities said. Israeli officials had no immediate comment.

After Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh, Arouri was the top-ranked Hamas official. He pursued an especially aggressive Palestinian terrorism strategy, with a focus on the West Bank, where he ordered the 2014 abduction and murder of three Israeli teenagers, sparking a Gaza war. After a period of being headquartered in Turkey, Arouri relocated to Lebanon, where he spearheaded Hamas coordination with Hezbollah and their shared Iranian patron.

Expert Analysis

“Israel has openly vowed to take the Gaza war to all leaders of Hamas, no matter where they are. That Arouri apparently thought he might be immune in the Hezbollah heartland suggests a major miscalculation on the part of Hamas. The question now is how Hezbollah will calculate the risks of stepping up its own attacks on Israel in retaliation.” — Mark Dubowitz, FDD CEO

“Israel sent a message to all terror allies of Iran that no matter where they hide, they will never be secure. Whether Hamas leaders reside in Qatar, Turkey, Lebanon, or another country, they should assume their days are numbered. Hezbollah’s leadership must also factor this escalation into the group’s next move.” — Richard Goldberg, FDD Senior Advisor

“The elimination of Saleh al-Arouri stands as a significant blow to Hamas and a considerable victory for Israel in its current war against Palestinian terrorist groups. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that this accomplishment is merely one of many goals Israel must achieve in order to dismantle Hamas and its partners.” — Joe Truzman, Research Analyst at FDD’s Long War Journal

Source: FDD

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Gaza Conflict Beyond Regular War, says Turkish Parliament Speaker Sat, 30 Dec 2023 03:10:12 +0000 The conflict in Gaza is not a mere war; it goes beyond the concept of mutual fighting governed…

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The conflict in Gaza is not a mere war; it goes beyond the concept of mutual fighting governed by the rules of war, according to the Turkish Parliament speaker.

“We are going through a time when a state, with the power it receives from some countries that support it, subjects women, children, the elderly and young people to genocide,” Numan Kurtulmuş said Thursday while hosting his Montenegrin counterpart Andrija Mandic at Parliament for talks between their delegations.

The pair chaired a meeting between their delegations.

Kurtulmuş decried the silence of world states to Israeli attacks in Gaza; however, it is “promising” to see widespread public support for Palestinians, referring to protests worldwide, particularly in Western states.

“U.N. Secretary-General Guterres’s using his authority to call the U.N. Security Council to duty should be seen as one of the last cries and screams on behalf of humanity,” he added.

On Wednesday, U.N. chief Antonio Guterres invoked Article 99 of the U.N. Charter for the first time since he became the organization’s top official in 2017, as he urged the Security Council to act on the war in Gaza.

Guterres said in a letter to the council: “I urge the Security Council to press to avert a humanitarian catastrophe. I reiterate my appeal for a humanitarian cease-fire to be declared. This is urgent.”

Kurtulmuş said Guterres’ call for the U.N. Security Council is a “crucial plea” for humanity.

The absence of an international mechanism and unconditional support from certain Western countries, notably the U.S., contributes to the Gaza crisis, he added.

Potential with Montenegro

Kurtulmuş congratulated Mandic for assuming the post of parliament speaker and highlighted the significance of his first visit abroad being to Türkiye.

He said 250,000 people of Montenegrin descent live in Türkiye, adding: “We see that these people form a good bridge between Türkiye and Montenegro. That is why we attach special importance to this visit.”

On bilateral ties with Montenegro, the Turkish Parliament speaker stressed the potential to boost trade, cultural and defense relations.

He expressed pleasure for Türkiye’s Yunus Emre Institute offering Turkish lessons at the Montenegrin Parliament, saying that it will positively impact bilateral ties.

Kurtulmuş also said ensuring trust and stability in the turbulent Balkans is Türkiye’s top priority. Having mutual dialogue and strengthened friendly relations is important to reduce potential regional tensions.

On his part, Mandic emphasized their commitment to enhancing economic ties and parliamentary relations with Ankara.

The Montenegrin delegation also visited the site bombed during the 2016 defeated coup in Türkiye.

Source: Daily Sabah

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Hezbollah and the Reluctance for a Wider War: Cui Bono? Thu, 28 Dec 2023 07:55:29 +0000 Brussels (4/11 – 25) It’s an old story, a broken record: war crimes in the Middle East, encouraged…

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Brussels (4/11 – 25)

It’s an old story, a broken record: war crimes in the Middle East, encouraged and stoked by outsiders with their own agenda. Israel, offended and humiliated by the 7 October attacks (for which they had repeatedly been warned by Egypt.

Hamas, encouraged and bankrolled by Israel initially, in its effort to undercut the appeal of Al-Fatah, has turned into Frankenstein’s Monster, breaching a border that was trumpeted as the most invincible in the world, with 24/7 surveillance, sensors to detect tunnels, full camera coverage and on and on – yet several thousand Hamas warriors parachuted in unimpeded, like autumn leaves, cut through the fence and barreled along, killing and kidnapping as they went. Where was the much-vaunted Israeli military, multi-billion-dollar funded by Washington, kitted out with the latest armaments and electronic surveillance?

Every Israeli politician should be held to account for the failure to defend the border, and the crimes of Hamas were immediately followed by indiscriminate bombing of Gaza by the Israeli military, which finally woke up and got moving. How many noncombatants dead? Woman, children, the elderly? Let’s say 9,000. The world looks on, displeased.

A billion Muslims worldwide see this as yet another attack by an infidel west on Islam. The 7 October attack was notable in its cruelty to kibbutz-dwellers, party-goers – absolute innocents going about their lives on the Israeli side of the border. Babies were murdered, women beheaded. What was the objective of this, as Hamas (just like all combatants in all contemporary conflicts) is playing to an audience of Telegram, TikTok and other internet witnesses. The surprising aspect is that there have been massive demonstrations throughout the western world in support of Hamas; while they do not call for the destruction of Israel they are demanding human rights for the Palestinians. The killings of Israelis are intentionally ignored.

Was Netanyahu not suckered in to this mess? Is the massive retaliation currently thundering down on Gaza not precisely what Hamas expected from its enemy, so average Palestinians could be seen by the world as victims once again?

Other Arab nations are mostly keeping their distance, and avoiding any inflammatory moves beyond grave, angry pronouncements. The Islamic Republic of Iran, always ready to stir up trouble in the Arab East, is talking tough but moving cautiously, even as they sponsor terror groups in Syria Yemen and Iraq.

There was a recent interview, carried on YouTube, with Hezbollah honcho Hassan Nasrullah, notably silent about the war in Gaza until now. He claims that the recent attacks were “100% Palestinian” thereby clearing Hezbollah of any responsibility. 90 minutes of threats, harangue and fundamentalist rhetoric was his contribution to the dialogue. Evidence to the contrary exists, Hezbollah like the Iran were informed by HAMAS. The political aims are also very clear. Undermine the wider peace talks between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Muslim world. A first in 50 years for the region.

What is Hezbollah, one of many radical Islamic groups that have sprung up in the past 30 ~ 40 years? Presumptuously calling itself the “Party of God”, its role in Lebanon is that of a political party/armed militia/Iranian proxy. Its militia consists of more than an estimated 100,000 fighters, well-trained, battle-hardened and ready to fight and die. Hezbollah is said to be unlike Hamas or the Islamic Jihad – different in that it is an integrated part of Lebanese society.  

In recent weeks, Hezbollah has struck 19 locations along the Israeli border with rocket fire, and carried out skirmishes against the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). The Hamas surprise attack impressed Muslims worldwide, who see it as a natural revenge move on behalf of the suffering Palestinians.

“What’s happening in Gaza today is not like any previous war. It’s not just another battle – it’s a historic and decisive one. What unfolds after it will differ significantly from what there was before,” thundered Nasrullah. The assembled masses drank it up. Shops were closed and tens of thousands gathered for a full-throated hatefest.

Still, Nasrullah has sufficient problems facing him in a sick, broke and weak Lebanon, and the idea of going to war now looks definitely unappealing. Beards waggle and fanatics whoop – but what the hirsute mullah actually indicated was “And now, more of the same”: limited strikes and exchanges but no full-scale war.

“All options are on the table with Israel. What will happen depends on Israel’s actions in Gaza.” Rather lukewarm support for the Palestinians – noting once again that NO Islamic country in North Africa, the Middle East or Asia has invited the suffering Palestinians to emigrate there. They know trouble when they see it.

“America is the Great Satan, Israel is lying, their soldiers will fail in Gaza and Hamas did a great job on October 7.” Typical Hezbollah yakkity-yak.

The subtext for the greybeard leader in his televised talk was “Cool it. Take no action … yet.” But Hezbollah is in fact a very unpredictable and deeply violent force.

Israel, of course has the “Samson Option”, embodied in its 200+ nuclear weapons nestled safely away in a Negev Desert “research facility”. One of those babies would blow Teheran off the map. Or Damascus, or Mecca. It would also take out a whole army, leaving behind a glowing radioactive crater dangerous for a thousand years afterwards.

While the Islamic masses may be frothing at the mouth to go to war, their leaders do not look forward to national suicide.

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Turkish FM in US For Muslim Nations Contact Group’s Gaza Talks Sun, 24 Dec 2023 02:23:41 +0000 The group is looking to move Israel’s major military and political backer into calling for a permanent cease-fire…

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The group is looking to move Israel’s major military and political backer into calling for a permanent cease-fire and ultimately peace in besieged Gaza where Israeli strikes only intensified since a temporary truce

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan headed to Washington on Friday, along with counterparts in a contact group of Muslim states, to push the U.S. for a cease-fire in Gaza, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

The group was formed last month at the extraordinary joint summit of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). It was assigned to take international action to stop the conflict in Gaza and help achieve lasting peace.

It includes officials from Türkiye, Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Palestine and the OIC.

Over the past three weeks, the contact group has held meetings in Beijing, Moscow, London, Paris, Barcelona and New York, respectively. Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit also took part in the meetings.

In its talks so far, the delegation gave the message of starting a solution process – that will be carried out through U.N. parameters – for a permanent and fair peace after the cease-fire in Gaza.

They also called for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the 1967 borders.

The delegation emphasized that Israel cannot ensure the security of its citizens by shedding more blood and that Israel’s security is only possible by making peace with Palestine.

Israel, it said, has clearly violated international law and that the silence of some countries in the face of this situation has shaken the trust in the international system and international law.

“All countries should distance themselves from Israel’s lawless attitude and trampling on human values. Otherwise, they become accomplices to the crime,” the delegation warned.

It also said that Israel’s aggression increases the risk of regional and even global conflict, and pointed out that there is an increase in anti-Islamic and anti-Semitic actions.

The ministers will meet with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and will also hold talks with think tank representatives and members of the press.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan too on Thursday voiced hope the group achieves a result in ending the U.S.’ pro-Israel stance on Gaza.

“With such a result, (Washington) can exert pressure on Israel for peace,” he said.

On Saturday, the delegation will meet with Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly in Ottawa.

Israel resumed its attacks on the Gaza Strip on Dec. 1 after the end of a weeklong humanitarian pause with the Palestinian resistance group Hamas.

At least 17,177 Palestinians, 70% of whom are women and children, have been killed and more than 46,000 others injured in relentless air and ground attacks on the enclave since Oct. 7 following a cross-border attack by Hamas.

The Israeli death toll in the Hamas attack stands at 1,200, according to official figures.

Source: Daily Sabah

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What is to be done with Gaza Sun, 17 Dec 2023 16:30:10 +0000 Toronto, Frankfurt (2/11 – 42) World media are jumping all over the conflagration in Gaza following the 7…

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Toronto, Frankfurt (2/11 – 42)

World media are jumping all over the conflagration in Gaza following the 7 October attack, killing 1400 Israelis and kidnapping several hundred others – followed by an all-too-predictable retaliatory response from Israel, with indiscriminate bombardment and gunfire into Gaza. The number dead and injured in the Palestinian zone will likely never be known but it is currently estimated at over 5,000 – many of whom are women and children caught in the crossfire.

Is Hamas sorry about those who voted for them and support their cause being machine-gunned or trapped by crumbling concrete in a bombed building? Not at all – for them it’s just the cost of doing business.

What do the neighbors across the region say? As a matter of fact, the timing of the bloody 7 October attack was quite apt.

It was just three weeks ago that the “Abraham Accords”, an agreement  that would have “normalized” relations between Israel and several states of the Arabian Peninsula, complete with exchanges of ambassadors and new relations, were about to be signed. This landmark deal would have been followed by North African Islamic nations joining up. Precisely before the October 7 Hamas terror attack, normalization talks between Saudi Arabia and Israel were set to go. That hopeful move is gone with the wind.

That declaration of co-existence must have deeply displeased Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS and the other murderous bandit gangs. They would clearly have been cut out of the deal. (Kindergarten Lesson One: “Follow the Money”)

Meanwhile, back in Tel Aviv, the fearsome Netanyahu was set to appear in court and face criminal charges that could have seen him in the cooler for quite a while. That trial has also been set aside. A survey shows that 80% of the Israeli public puts the blame for the surprise attack on him, particularly as his government pointedly ignored multiple urgent warnings from Egypt that an attack was being prepared. Convenient, no?

Netanyahu: “This is our 9/11 moment.” Truer words were never spoken. And just like the exceedingly suspicious collapse of two huge (and hugely unpopular) office buildings in downtown Manhattan, purportedly after being slammed into by jetliners, the 7 October attack is looking more and more like a false flag – something to give Israel the excuse the finish the job in Gaza.

Cut to the airport in Riyadh. A group is hurrying along.

A British reporter waylays a Saudi government minister. (You have to feel sorry for these guys – bodyguards blithely bump them out of the way … an expensive woman companion might give them a cat-scratch or snatch the microphone out of their hands … their target might just ignore them completely, or glower and growl “No comment, creep”)

Luckily for this journalist, the Saudi – young-looking for a Minister, and quite fluent in English – is eloquent and to the point.

Roving Reporter: “Can I just ask you… What is the first thing that has to happen, to achieve peace, in your view?”

Saudi Minister: “Right now we need a ceasefire.”

Roving Reporter: “Beyond that – “

Saudi Minister: “We have to restart the peace process.”

Roving Reporter: “Is that possible?”

Saudi Minister: “It has to be possible. If we are not willing to overcome all the difficulties, all the challenges, all the history that is involved in this issue, then we will never have a real peace and security in the region, so we must restart the peace process. The Arabs have shown that they are serious, they are willing to engage. We hope that we can do it soon.”

Dear Reader – studying this historical tragedy, do you not get the sensation that the “Arab world”, such as it is, really finds the Palestinians a monumental annoyance, deranged relatives anxious to drag all of them into a no-win military confrontation? (Everybody has an eye on those 200 Israeli nuclear weapons tucked away in a Negev Desert “research facility”.)

Of course it is necessary to offer deep and sincere vocal support to Palestine, which was deeply wronged some 70 years ago. Who wronged them? Hmm, how about the same perfidious colonialists whose meddling wreaked tragedy in Nigeria, Malaysia, Kenya, India and on and on… Yes, John Bull did it. The Brits “set aside” a land for the persecuted Jews, land that happened to have been occupied for hundreds of years by farmers and herdsmen known as Palestinians. Just like Malaysia or Iraq or Pakistan: they bottled up enemy peoples in the same artificially-demarcated country, grab the resources and piss off. Thanks Olde Blighty.

Israel is a reality. Most countries in the world accept that as a fact. It may have been built on stolen land but so was the United States of America, Canada, Japan (ask the Ainu), People’s Republic of China (poor Tibetans), Australia (aborigines nod sorrowfully) and many others, if you reach far enough back into history. Israel, the reality, is not going away. Hamas, the troublemaking terror gang, may have picked up some neat tricks from the Israelis (BOOM goes the King David Hotel, brought down by future Israeli statesmen).

But times change. Nobody else wants this war. The Arabs are by and large interested in getting by in life, minding their own business and avoiding trouble. Even Iran, fingered as a troublemaker by Uncle Sam, doesn’t want war – especially nuclear war. Nobody wins then.

Hamas? Nuclear war? Bring it on. They are maniacs, as all the neighbors are fully aware. But this seems to be a festive age around the planet for such manias, even among the throngs of “useful idiots” parading through Europe, Australia and North America waving Palestinian flags. Ask those entitled kids whether they support the annihilation of Israel. Then they get coy and the weasel-words flow freely.

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Palestine’s Team Braces for World Cup Qualifiers Amid Gaza Crisis Fri, 15 Dec 2023 05:41:33 +0000 Away from the football field, Makram Daboub, the head coach of the Palestinian national football team, grapples with…

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Away from the football field, Makram Daboub, the head coach of the Palestinian national football team, grapples with challenges exacerbated by the Israel-Hamas conflict, now in its second month.

This conflict casts a shadow over the team’s training plans for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers.

Daboub had hoped to include key players, Ibrahim Abuimeir, Khaled Al-Nabris and Ahmed Al-Kayed, in a crucial training camp in Jordan ahead of the World Cup qualifying clashes against Lebanon and Australia.

Unfortunately, the conflict has left them stranded in Gaza, unable to join the team.

Daboub finds solace in the safety of his players still in Gaza, even though many of their relatives have lost their lives due to the ongoing Israeli bombings.

“So far, they are fine,” Daboub said. “Many of their relatives have died, however, as a result of the bombing.”

The psychological toll on the players is undeniable. With families in danger and the weight of the conflict on their minds, the coach acknowledges the immense challenge of maintaining focus on football.

“With the death and destruction in Gaza, the players are in a difficult psychological state,” Daboub said.

Yet, amid the chaos, there is a resounding determination from both players and the Palestinian people to see the games through.

Susan Shalabi, the vice-president of the Palestine Football Association, emphasized the significance of the national team in representing the aspirations of a people seeking recognition and normalcy.

“This is a people that wants to be heard and seen by the rest of the world; they want to live normally like everyone else, so people care about their national team,” Shalabi passionately expressed to The Associated Press (AP). “It represents the yearning to be recognized as a free and sovereign nation.”

The Palestine Football Association, a full member of FIFA since 1998, dreams of a World Cup appearance in 2026, an achievement that would mark a historic milestone for a team that has yet to reach the finals through the Asian Football Confederation’s qualifying route.

Hope flickers with Asia’s increased automatic qualification allocation from four spots in 2022 to eight in 2026, with the tournament hosted by the United States, Mexico and Canada.

The Palestinian team, boasting the highest FIFA ranking of 73 in 2018, has previously appeared in the Asian Cup and secured a spot in the 2023 continental tournament in Qatar.

Daboub, pragmatic yet optimistic, recognizes the unpredictability of football but believes in the team’s potential to advance in the World Cup qualifiers.

“To be among the 18 teams that advance into that next stage of Asian qualifying, the Palestinians need to finish in the top two of a group containing Australia, Lebanon and Bangladesh,” Daboub explained.

Despite their current FIFA ranking of 96, the team remains hopeful, sitting eight places above Lebanon and a substantial 87 places above Bangladesh.

The journey is not without its disruptions.

Originally slated to host Australia, security concerns have moved the game to a neutral venue in Kuwait.

Preparations were further hampered when players could not participate in a Malaysian tournament last month.

Now, the team is stationed in Jordan to ensure smooth travel for upcoming games.

A pivotal match against Lebanon in the United Arab Emirates awaits, moved from Beirut due to security considerations. Daboub sees it as a significant step toward the next stage, expressing determination: “We will do our best. Football is the most popular game in the world. It brings people together. We aspire to achieve good results and qualify to show the Palestinian identity and that this is a people who deserve life and love peace.”

Source: Daily Sabah

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Turkish Technical Delegation Visits Gaza for Field Hospital Efforts Fri, 08 Dec 2023 04:05:47 +0000 Atechnical team visited Gaza early Tuesday to carry out feasibility works for the planned field hospital. According to diplomatic…

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Atechnical team visited Gaza early Tuesday to carry out feasibility works for the planned field hospital.

According to diplomatic sources, the delegation visited Gaza through Egypt and plans to make the hospital functional as soon as possible.

The materials for the hospital were sent from Türkiye through a ship and were stored in the garden of Sheikh Zuweid Hospital on the Egyptian side.

Turkish authorities are also working to place containers for Gazan families amid harshening winter conditions.

It was announced previously that Türkiye is cooperating with Qatar to deliver humanitarian aid from Türkiye to Gaza.

Türkiye is also coordinating to bring babies and children to the country.

Israel launched a massive military campaign in the Gaza Strip following a cross-border attack by Hamas on Oct. 7.

Since then, it has killed over 15,000 Palestinians, including 6,150 children and more than 4,000 women, according to health authorities in the enclave.

Meanwhile, the Israeli death toll is around 1,200, according to official figures.

Today, the U.N. says, all 2.4 million people in Gaza are going hungry and 1.65 million have been displaced by the war. Almost half the houses in Gaza were destroyed or damaged.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said that only 10 of the territory’s 36 hospitals were still functioning, with the situation deteriorating since then. It said there are no functioning hospitals in northern Gaza.

Source: Daily Sabah

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Turkish Students Decry Israel’s Gaza Attacks in Multilingual Video Wed, 06 Dec 2023 05:15:37 +0000 Students from two Turkish universities adopted a novel method to convey their outrage over Israel’s ongoing military attacks…

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Students from two Turkish universities adopted a novel method to convey their outrage over Israel’s ongoing military attacks on civilians in the Gaza Strip, creating a video featuring messages in multiple languages and sharing it on social media platforms.

Students from Galatasaray University and the Turkish-German University in Istanbul expressed their feelings about Israel’s attacks in Gaza in a video they created in Turkish, French and German.

The students shared the video via their educational institutions’ social media accounts.

In the video, students described the Israeli attacks on Gaza in messages such as “Don’t stop talking about Palestine,” “The ones dying are not just people but humanity,” “Humanity is being ignored, bombed and killed,” “In the 21st century, Gaza is being besieged in front of the world’s eyes,” “People are left without food, water, medicine and electricity,” as well as “Israel, the baby killer, uses white phosphorus bombs considered a war crime.”

Earlier, students from Galatasaray University’s Civilization Club organized an exhibition depicting Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

The exhibition, which included photos, maps, cartoons and explanations about Gaza, was held at the Soma Tunnel on campus and featured 46 visuals.

Speaking about the exhibition, Esma Yılmaz, a student in the International Relations department, said their club aimed to express their solidarity with the oppressed people in Palestine.

“The primary goal of our exhibition, consisting of 46 visuals, is to emphasize that the Israel-Palestine issue is not a recent development, but rather, Israel’s occupation policy, unjust detentions and incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque have been ongoing for years, and this process did not start on Oct. 7,” said Yılmaz.

Anger and support

Türkiye consistently denounces Israel’s relentless attacks on Palestine and expresses unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people, with the Turkish public actively demonstrating their support. Recently, the Turkish nongovernmental organization (NGO) Humanitarian Relief Fund (IHH) organized a convoy to demonstrate their support for Palestine amid Israel’s persistent attacks on the Gaza Strip, heading to the U.S. base in the country’s southeast.

The “Freedom Convoy for Palestine,” consisting of 250 vehicles adorned with Turkish and Palestinian flags, departed Friday from Istanbul to Incirlik Air Base in Adana. On Sunday, the convoy protested Israel’s attacks on Palestine in front of Incirlik Air Base in the southeastern city of Adana, where a number of U.S. forces are stationed.

Numerous NGOs and individuals across Türkiye assembled under the leadership of the IHH gathered in front of the air base. Participants chanted slogans against Israel and expressed their outrage over the attacks on Gaza. The police stepped in when some protesters broke the barricades, trying to enter the air base.

Israel has repeatedly urged Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza to head south as fighting intensified, spurring fears of mass displacement.

The Israeli army this week expanded its air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip, which has been under relentless airstrikes since a surprise offensive by the Palestinian group Hamas on Oct. 7.

At least 10,000 Palestinians, mostly children and women, have been killed in Israeli attacks since then, while the Israeli death toll has topped 1,500, according to official figures.

Source: Daily Sabah

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Türkiye’s Diyanet Seeks Global Mobilization for Gaza Tragedy Sun, 03 Dec 2023 05:07:51 +0000 Türkiye’s religious authority Diyanet actively promotes global mobilization through awareness-raising meetings to address Israeli aggression in Gaza Türkiye’s…

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Türkiye’s religious authority Diyanet actively promotes global mobilization through awareness-raising meetings to address Israeli aggression in Gaza

Türkiye’s Presidency of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) has consistently demonstrated a steadfast commitment to humanitarian causes, particularly in the face of dire circumstances such as the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

With a history of advocating for justice and compassion, Diyanet has taken a proactive role in addressing the plight of the Palestinian people and has emerged as a key voice, not only within the Islamic world but on a global stage.

Only in November, the key religious authority organized several meetings to raise awareness and mobilize the Turkish and global society.

On Nov. 7, Diyanet organized an event, where the role of digital media and the internet are highlighted to address the crises humanity faces. In the gathering, professor Ali Erbaş, the head of Diyanet, said: “As in every field, it is our most fundamental responsibility to work to guide our nation in digital media.”

“We must utilize the full potential of technology. Those who have a vision for the future of humanity, life, and the world cannot ignore the current realities. Therefore, our primary duty is to guide our nation in digital media and all other aspects,” Erbaş said.

On Nov. 6, Erbaş hosted Nawaf Tekruri, the head of the Union of Palestinian Scholars, and his delegation at the Diyanet headquarters in Ankara, where religious scholars discussed the Gaza crisis and sought solutions for it.

In the meeting, Erbaş reaffirmed Türkiye’s unwavering support for Palestinian brothers and sisters, underscoring the country’s commitment to stand by their side. Tekruri expressed happiness with the reception and thanked Erbaş and Diyanet for consistently supporting the Palestinian cause.

On Nov. 5, within the scope of the “We Stand to Pray for Gaza” organized by Diyanet, prayers were offered for the Palestinian victims after the Isha prayers in all mosques across the country.

On Nov. 3, representatives from non-Muslim religious communities and foundations, who united with the Palestinian cause upon the call of Erbaş, urged a cease-fire to halt the bloodshed in Gaza.

Speaking at the event, Erbaş said: “Palestine, once a land of peace and tranquility, has unfortunately become a place of suffering and despair in the past century. Presently, Gaza is enduring inhumane and devastating attacks.”

“Today, Gaza is a test of law, morality and conscience for all humanity. We need to find a solution to the cries of people groaning under oppression and make our voices heard. This is a human duty,” he said.

In a gathering on the first day of November, Diyanet also called for a mass boycott against Israel. “It is important to boycott products of companies that support Zionism and fight against oppression and oppressors in every possible way,” Diyanet said.

‘Emergency Gaza Meeting’

Just before the start of November, Diyanet organized a mass gathering on the last day of October, and brought together over 200 people from 94 countries, including religious heads, ministers and scholars, in an online call as part of the “Emergency Gaza Meeting” to discuss ways to stop Israel’s oppression.

Following the key video call meeting, a final communique was announced.

In the statement, Erbaş condemned Israel’s attacks on Gaza, stating that, “They have no humanitarian, moral or legal basis.” He expressed concern for the innocent people, including women, children and older adults, who are being brutally slaughtered in front of the world.

Currently, tens of thousands of civilians are being displaced from their homes, deprived of basic necessities and subjected to bombings in the region.

Erbaş accused the Israeli regime of committing genocide in Gaza for its Zionist ambitions and called for action to stop the violence.

Credibility lost

Erbaş criticized the Western states for remaining silent in the face of Israel’s attacks and genocide, questioning the credibility of ideologies and policies that claim to bring peace and prosperity to humanity.

He also expressed deep sadness and concern for the brutal attacks on Muslims and holy places of Islam, particularly Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was the scene of a great tragedy.

“The only way to achieve peace and tranquility in the region is for the occupiers to withdraw from Palestinian lands and for the Palestinian people to achieve complete freedom,” he said.

Ali Erbaş, the head of Diyanet, delivers a sermon in a mosque to raise awareness against Israeli atrocities, Istanbul, Türkiye, Nov. 3, 2023. (İHA Photo)

“The Islamic world has a responsibility to support the oppressed Palestinian people and their struggle for freedom. Cooperation is necessary to achieve common goals and ideals and to ensure peace and tranquility in the world.”

The final communique included key articles, one of which said: “The endless ambitions, inhumane policies and cruelties of murderous Israel, backed by the imperialists, are dragging the world into a total catastrophe. Israel must immediately cease its attacks on Gaza and the Palestinians. The eviction of Palestinians from their homes and homelands, the occupation of their lands, is never acceptable.”

The piece followed with the second article, saying: “The struggle of the people of Gaza against Israel’s invasion and occupation is a legitimate and honorable struggle in terms of religion, morality and international law. It is the responsibility of faith and servitude for every Muslim to support this noble struggle in all respects and to fight materially and spiritually to stop the genocide that is taking place.”

“Al-Quds belongs to Muslims; Palestine and Gaza are Muslim homelands and will remain so until the Judgment Day.”

The statement’s third article called for international organizations such as the United Nations and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to take immediate action. It said, “Peacekeepers should be sent to the region as soon as possible to protect the oppressed.”

“In this respect, it is an unavoidable necessity to urgently open a humanitarian aid corridor to Gaza to deliver basic living products, especially electricity, and water, to Gaza and to take the necessary measures to ensure the transfer of the wounded to hospitals in neighboring countries.”

The reports highlight the lack of basic needs of people stuck in the Gaza Strip.

The final communique highlighted the Gaza conflict as “not only a problem for Muslims but also a common problem for all humanity.”

“Sensible Jews do not approve of these genocides and massacres by the Zionist Israeli government. Raising their voices more will contribute significantly to stopping these attacks that disregard human dignity and try to destroy the law of coexistence,” the communique read.

“For this reason, it is important for people of faith and conscience to communicate with members of other religions to unite their power and prepare a joint action plan to stop this barbarism that is dragging humanity into disaster,” it added.

Source: Daily Sabah

The post Türkiye’s Diyanet Seeks Global Mobilization for Gaza Tragedy appeared first on Ankara Haftalik.
