georgia Archives · Ankara Haftalik National Focus on Turkey Fri, 24 Mar 2023 10:47:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 georgia Archives · Ankara Haftalik 32 32 Kalashnikov: “Russia-Georgia air travel is about to resume” Fri, 21 Apr 2023 10:43:39 +0000 Russia and Georgia are on the verge of resuming direct flights, Leonid Kalashnikov, head of the State Duma…

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Russia and Georgia are on the verge of resuming direct flights, Leonid Kalashnikov, head of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, said on March 22 during the economic forum “Prospects for the development of economic relations between Russia and Georgia.”

“I spoke with many officials of the highest level, including on the issues that we touched upon. Very sensitive issues that we need to resolve are air travel and the abolition of visas in Russia. I must say that we are on the verge of these decisions,”

 – TASS quotes Kalashnikov.

When these decisions will take place, he could not specify.

EADaily reported that on June 20, 2019, several thousand people staged an anti-Russian rally in Tbilisi near the parliament building. The reason for the Russophobic action was the participation of State Duma deputy Sergei Gavrilov in the work of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy, which was organized by the host within the walls of the Georgian parliament. After that, Russia decided to temporarily ban air travel to Georgia. The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation also suspended flights of Georgian airlines to Russia.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on January 18, during a press conference following the results of 2022, allowed the resumption of flights due to developing relations with Georgia. The country’s authorities also stated that it was in the interests of the Georgian people. President Salome Zurabishvili and the country’s Western partners spoke out against it. In February, the EU called on the Georgian authorities not to resume flights with Russia, recalling, among other things, the threat of secondary sanctions for those who help Russia bypass them.

Source: eadaily

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Tokayev received telegrams from Mirziyev, Japarov, Rakhmon, and Aliyev Wed, 05 Apr 2023 00:32:00 +0000 The presidents of Turkmenistan, Iran and Georgia also sent their congratulations. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev continues to receive congratulations from…

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The presidents of Turkmenistan, Iran and Georgia also sent their congratulations.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev continues to receive congratulations from the heads of foreign states and heads of international organizations on the occasion of the Nauryz holiday, the press service of Akorda reports.

The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his congratulatory telegram noted that along with its ancient history, Nauryz in its philosophical content reflects the common customs and values ​​of the Kazakh and Uzbek peoples.

“I am deeply convinced that our mutual cooperation based on good neighborly relations will expand in accordance with the common interests of our peoples, and further intensification of high-level mutual ties will help strengthen our strategic partnership and allied relations,” the telegram says.

The President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov wished the fraternal Kazakh people good and happiness.

“I believe that this year will be a year of development for our countries. May the multifaceted relations between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, based on common spiritual values ​​and friendship, as well as strategic partnership, consistently develop thanks to our common efforts,” Sadyr Japarov wrote in a congratulatory message.  

President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon wished Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev good health and new successes, and peace, prosperity and prosperity to the fraternal people of Kazakhstan.

“I am sure that our countries, with new hopes and aspirations, following the unfading values ​​of Navruz, will continue to expand and develop their friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation within the framework of a strategic partnership,” the leader of Tajikistan said.  

The congratulatory message of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, emphasizes that Nauryz is a valuable contribution of our peoples to world culture.  

“This holiday symbolizes mutual understanding, friendship and solidarity. I believe that, by the will of our peoples, we will continue our joint efforts to preserve and strengthen Azerbaijani-Kazakh friendly relations and partnership,” the telegram says.  

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, President of Iran Ibrahim Raisi, President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili and Secretary General of TURKSOY Sultan Raev also sent their congratulations.

Source: informburo

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