Kyriakos Mitsotakis Archives · Ankara Haftalik National Focus on Turkey Sun, 21 Jan 2024 04:35:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kyriakos Mitsotakis Archives · Ankara Haftalik 32 32 Why Greece-Türkiye rapprochement can be a win-win for all Thu, 01 Feb 2024 04:32:13 +0000 The latest meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Athens has…

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The latest meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Athens has signalled a historic turning point in the longstanding impasse between Türkiye and Greece.

The positive remarks from both leaders during the joint press conference marked a shift towards a more cooperative and constructive relationship after years of tension between the neighbours.

Erdogan’s vision to turn the Aegean into a “sea of peace and cooperation” and Mitsotakis’ call for a “future of peace, progress, and cooperation” set an optimistic tone, opening the door to potential bilateral resolutions and regional stability in the East Mediterranean Sea.

Erdogan’s constructive statesmanship and statements before his visit to Athens formed a basis for this new situation.

A diplomatic breakthrough

The Eastern Mediterranean energy conflict lies at the heart of the tensions between Ankara and Athens – a complex issue rooted in disputes over maritime boundaries and energy resources.

The recent meeting between Erdogan and Mitsotakis hints at a commitment to finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Resolving this dispute is not only about easing immediate tensions but also holds broader implications for the stability and prosperity of the entire region.

In that regard, Türkiye may play a pivotal role in providing a win-win resolution to the EastMed energy dilemma for all parties.

Situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Türkiye serves as an intercontinental bridge and pan-regional energy hub for transporting Eastern Mediterranean gas to European markets.

For instance, international projects like TurkStream and TANAP, designed for efficient transportation of natural gas through Anatolia, put Türkiye as the most cost-effective and prudent destination and partner for fostering mutually beneficial collaborations in transportation ventures to the Western side of the world.

When it comes to facilities, Ankara’s well-established capacity in exploring, drilling and extracting gas can contribute to a potential joint campaign led by Greece and Türkiye, with the involvement of other regional actors, instead of paying for non-regional actors.

Furthermore, Türkiye’s discovery of natural gas reserves with a market value of $1 trillion in the Black Sea has marked the beginning of a new era for the country in self-sufficiency in meeting its natural gas requirements.

Such potential campaigns not only benefit Ankara but also create a mutually advantageous scenario for the entire region, fostering economic growth and stability with regional ‘cooperation’ as the only way out of the energy dilemma.

Regional cooperation platform

A strengthened partnership between Türkiye and Greece transcends economic benefits.

The Eastern Mediterranean region has witnessed increased militarisation in the past few years. And a cooperative approach will not only reduce the likelihood of armed confrontations but also provide a framework for crafting a blueprint to address the energy dilemma under Greece and Türkiye’s leadership, fostering a more stable and prosperous region.

Therefore, it is imperative to establish a cooperation platform for projecting an inclusive roadmap, encouraging all stakeholders to adopt a comprehensive maritime concord, and ensuring fairness and compliance with international law, such as the regional accord between Türkiye and Libya signed in 2019.

Moreover, the positive momentum generated by this diplomatic thaw may open the door to increased cultural and people-to-people exchanges under the realities of shared history, cultural ties, and geographical proximity between the people of Greece and Türkiye.

Global implications

In the broader context of international relations, the growing diplomatic ties between Türkiye and Greece send a positive message about the efficacy of diplomatic solutions to longstanding conflicts.

In an era dominated by geopolitical tensions, the success of dialogue and negotiation over confrontation sets a precedent for resolving disputes through political means. The renewed friendship between Greece and Türkiye stands as an example for other nations facing longstanding conflicts, emphasising the power of diplomacy in overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges.

The reconciliation, along with numerous agreements, also underscores the international optimism surrounding the leaders’ commitment to resolving longstanding issues and promoting cooperation.

While this diplomatic breakthrough is a cause for optimism, it is essential to recognise the challenges ahead.

Building trust and sustaining positive momentum requires continued efforts from both sides. The implementation of confidence-building measures, ongoing dialogue, and a commitment to compromise will be crucial as the world watches with hope that this positive momentum will not only endure but also inspire other nations to seek diplomatic solutions to their own longstanding issues.

Consequently, the recent meeting can be a decisive moment to end the turbulent situation in the Eastern Mediterranean. The potential benefits of improved relations extend beyond the bilateral scope, influencing the economic, security, and cultural landscape of the entire region.

As both nations embark on a journey towards friendship, the imperative now lies in leveraging international mediation to establish a joint task platform for resource management.

This platform, committed to transparently handling the exploration and distribution of energy resources, has the potential to capitalise on Türkiye’s expertise and facilities in exploration, drilling, and transportation.

For championing a win-win vision, this reconciliation should pursue a lasting resolution that can uplift the entire region. It not only boosts stability but also sets a significant precedent for productive cooperation in the complex Eastern Mediterranean geopolitics.

Source: TRT World

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Mitsotakis hails significant normalization in Greece’s relations with Türkiye Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:27:00 +0000 ATHENS Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said Wednesday that his country has achieved a significant normalization in its…

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Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said Wednesday that his country has achieved a significant normalization in its relations with Türkiye.

In an interview with public broadcaster ERT, Mitsotakis noted that the normalization is reflected in concrete developments such as a visa facilitation scheme announced during Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Athens in December, fighting irregular migration and negotiations to improve bilateral economic and commercial ties.

Recalling that he and Erdogan met three times last year, Mitsotakis noted that he is much more optimistic over prospects for Greek-Turkish relations.

He noted that there are numerous disputes between the two countries which Athens intends to approach in a good mood to resolve.

He added, however, that Greece and Türkiye should be able to learn to co-exist in a region tested by various challenges even if their differences remain unsolved.

Asserting that relations with the US have been elevated to a very high level, as affirmed by US Secretary State Antony Blinken, whom he met last Saturday, Mitsotakis said this brings economic, military and diplomatic benefits to the country.

More specifically on the country’s long-awaited request for F-35 fighter jets from Washington, he said: “The Greek government has submitted a substantiated request to acquire F-35 jet fighters, and I believe this request is mature and will be approved by the American authorities…relatively soon, in my opinion.”

Also speaking on the much-contested issue of same-sax marriage, Mitsotakis reiterated that the government remains committed to legalizing it.

Nonetheless, he noted that the government’s bill would not include approval for the use of a surrogate mother by same-sex couples. ​​​​​​​

Source: AA

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Turkish-Greek Relations Set Sail Toward a Promising Future Mon, 20 Nov 2023 02:18:02 +0000 Balancing optimism and caution is crucial for the success of the Türkiye-Greece initiative, which should gain support with…

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Balancing optimism and caution is crucial for the success of the Türkiye-Greece initiative, which should gain support with tangible outcomes

The current political climate in Türkiye and Greece, coupled with the shared commitment of political leaders to pursue a positive agenda, presents a crucial opportunity for a more constructive dialogue in Turkish-Greek relations. Having faced the detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, earthquakes, wildfires, economic crises and the adverse repercussions and risks of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as well as the escalating tensions in Gaza, which could impact the entire region, the two neighboring countries should, at the very least, acknowledge the imperative need to address their issues through sincere political dialogue.

Reflecting on recent history, it becomes evident that when both nations lose focus on areas of mutual interest and exclusively consider emerging opportunities and risks through a self-centric lens, they overlook broader possibilities. The potential for a collaborative mindset is underestimated by leaders and politicians on both sides. Through a dialogue-oriented approach, these neighbors can reach an understanding that maximizes their respective interests.

Contentious issues such as the territorial waters of the Aegean Islands, maritime delimitation, airspace debates and concerns regarding the militarization of the Aegean Islands will persist. Quick resolutions to these matters should not be anticipated and diplomats and politicians will remain engaged in addressing these complex issues. More crucial, however, is the methodology employed to address these disputes and manage the overall political atmosphere to prevent tensions from spiraling out of control.

Following rounds of consultations and constructive diplomatic exchanges between President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, acknowledging that a positive political atmosphere contributes to building mutual trust and confidence is significant. Meetings on the margins of NATO’s Vilnius summit in July 2023 and the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) in September 2023 paved the way for a positive agenda. Having witnessed the perilous consequences of unbridled political confrontations, the leaders opted for reconciliation over further escalation. It now falls upon political leaders, intellectuals and public figures in both countries to manage public sentiments and shape realistic and constructive expectations.

Stability and certainty

Amid a turbulent region, Greek-Turkish relations must stand as a pillar of stability rather than a zone of uncertainty. Equally crucial is preventing third parties from exploiting and instrumentalizing ongoing issues between Türkiye and Greece. While external interests may wane or shift, the citizens of both nations will continue to coexist. Tensions and negative political messages may surface periodically, and both parties should be prepared to address these moments with patience. Leaders must concentrate on the medium and long-term strategic gains of this constructive political dialogue process.

With an ongoing positive agenda, the leaders of both countries are embracing a new methodology to resolve their differences. This approach is grounded in mutual interests and a commitment to sustained political dialogue. Previous attempts, which focused solely on one side’s concerns, proved unsuccessful, causing both countries to miss out on numerous economic and political opportunities. Optimism, tempered by caution and patience, is the key to the success of this new process. As the positive agenda produces tangible outcomes, the support for this process among constituents in both countries will likely grow.

Source: Daily Sabah

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Greece’s ruling conservative party wins big as leftist parties suffer crushing defeat Fri, 09 Jun 2023 20:00:00 +0000 Pro-government daily hints at SYRIZA’s downfall after final results, while pro-main opposition party newspaper stresses unity ahead of…

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Pro-government daily hints at SYRIZA’s downfall after final results, while pro-main opposition party newspaper stresses unity ahead of 2nd elections next month

Greece’s conservative ruling New Democracy (ND) party won a big victory in Sunday’s elections, while two major leftist parties, including the main opposition SYRIZA, suffered a severe defeat, which the local media described on Monday as Greeks’ confidence in Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ policies.

The pro-government Kathimerini daily reported that the ND party’s landslide victory demonstrates the Greeks’ approval of the ruling party’s policies while hinting at SYRIZA’s downfall after the final results and major turmoil within the party.

The daily also highlighted that the Greek Communist Party (KKE) increased its appeal, particularly in urban centers and working-class neighborhoods, while the ultra-conservative nationalist Victory and the left-wing Course of Freedom parties performed well surprisingly and secured 6th and 7th positions, respectively.

Another pro-government daily, To Vima, stated that the results are appalling for SYRIZA and its leader, Alexis Tsipras, who is in “shock,” and that they are without a plan B following the strategic defeat.

The government’s generous social payments to citizens at a time when the main opposition could not present realistic plans played a role in the party’s defeat in general elections.

A major private broadcaster, SKAI TV, which is also pro-government, commented that Greek voters did not trust SYRIZA’s pre-election promises, stressing that even traditionally social-democratic, left-leaning provinces shifted to the conservative ND party.

In its report, the Pro-SYRIZA daily Avgi, however, emphasized respect for the people’s will, but warned that “the new situation that is taking shape is not positive for most of society.”

“The battle is lost, but the fight never stops,” it said, urging its readers to unite ahead of the second elections, which are expected to take place on June 25 or July 2.

With 99.68% of the votes counted early Monday, the New Democracy party won 40.79% – twice the main opposition SYRIZA’s 20.07%. Socialist PASOK came in third at 11.46%, followed by Greek Communist Party with 7.23%. Far-right, populist Greek Solution party became the 5th biggest party in the country with 4.45%.

Source: AA

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Greece Border Security Under Spotlight in Election Campaign Sun, 09 Apr 2023 08:00:00 +0000 The rocky road running past dilapidated homes ends abruptly at a thick, five-metre-high metal barrier — the end…

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The rocky road running past dilapidated homes ends abruptly at a thick, five-metre-high metal barrier — the end of the European Union, and Greece’s border with Turkey.

The grey waters of the Evros River, the natural border between the two countries, now flow alongside the imposing fence topped with barbed wire.

Athens erected the 37.5-kilometre (23-mile) barrier in 2020 after tens of thousands of migrants tried to break through this remote northeastern area, clashing for days with Greek security forces.

With the country headed into a tight general election next month, the conservative government has vowed to extend the barrier another 35 kilometres by the end of the year.

On Monday, Migration Minister Notis Mitarachi went so far as to tell private broadcaster Skai TV that his conservative party wanted to extend the fence across the entire 200 kilometres of the Greek-Turkish border.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, fighting to hold onto power at the May 21 ballot box and facing calls to resign over the country’s worst rail tragedy that killed 57 people, is pressing his tough-on-migration policy hard on the campaign trail.

It is a message that plays well in the poor, agricultural border area.

Residents vividly recall the 2020 migration scare when, in a spat with the EU, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that his forces would no longer stop asylum seekers from travelling to the border.

“If the fence hadn’t been built, we would have been in Kabul here!” one 50-year-old man from Feres told AFP, declining to give his name.

‘Attempted invasion’

“We went (to the border area) with our guns. We had to secure our houses,” he added, recalling the 2020 clashes.

“We fired two or three times in the air.”

Mitsotakis visited the area last Friday, hoping to find sympathetic voters as he seeks to divert attention away from the train crash and the cost-of-living crisis.

“A sovereign country must have ways to protect its borders efficiently,” he said.

He likened the 2020 surge of migrants to “an attempted invasion” in which “tens of thousands of illegal migrants” sought to enter Greece “often through the use of violence”.

Greek soldiers now patrol the area equipped with cameras, high-tech radar and drones.

“I have lived here for 45 years, and I can confirm that (migration) flows ceased after the wall was built,” said Athanassios Pamousis, chairman of nearby Poros village.

Greece and Turkey have for years traded accusations involving the mistreatment of migrants in the area.

Turkey and rights groups accuse Greece of pushing back asylum seekers across the border.

‘Prefer a factory’

Athens denies this, despite numerous testimonies from alleged victims.

In October, 92 mainly Afghan and Syrian migrants were found almost naked and bruised near the river. Greece said Turkish army vehicles had left them there. Turkey denied this.

Greece says extending the barrier by the promised 35 kilometres will cost around 100 million euros ($109 million) and wants the EU to provide funding — a move that some member states oppose.

“It is about time for the European Union to seriously consider providing European funds for these types of projects, because after all, we are contributing towards European security,” Mitsotakis said Friday.

Nikos Chatzimagioglou, the owner of a perfume shop in the nearby town of Feres, calls the construction of the barrier “a good cause.”

“Every day, foreigners would go by. Not just one or two, but groups of 50 or a hundred. If you are not from here, you cannot understand,” he said.

Mitsotakis’ main opponents, the leftist Syriza party, accuse the prime minister of using anti-migrant rhetoric to court voters from nationalist and far-right rivals.

Citizen Protection Minister Takis Theodorikakos says some 265,000 migrants were barred from entering the country illegally last year.

But Chatzimagioglou says the main problem in the area is not migration, but poverty.

“If you ask me if I prefer a wall or a factory, I prefer a factory,” he told AFP.

Source: France24

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Turkey’s Kalin thanks Greek PM for support Tue, 28 Feb 2023 20:00:00 +0000 Ibrahim Kalin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesman and chief foreign policy adviser, has thanked Greece for providing…

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Ibrahim Kalin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesman and chief foreign policy adviser, has thanked Greece for providing assistance to Turkey as it struggles to cope with Monday’s devastating earthquake.

“Mr Prime Minister, thank you for all your support,” Kalin tweeted in response to a tweet by Greece’s prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Tuesday in which he commended the efforts of rescue crews from both countries at the quake-stricken areas.

“Images that fill us with pain are followed by images that fill us with hope: only respect for the superhuman efforts of rescue teams,” Mitsotakis had tweeted in Turkish along with a photo of Turkish and Greek rescue workers in action, adding “Greeks and Turks side by side, struggling together to save lives. We thank them for what they are doing.”

Source: Ekathimerini

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