Turkey Archives · Ankara Haftalik https://ankarahaftalik.com/tag/turkey/ National Focus on Turkey Sun, 21 Jan 2024 04:52:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://ankarahaftalik.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-Ankara-Haftalik-Favico-32x32.png Turkey Archives · Ankara Haftalik https://ankarahaftalik.com/tag/turkey/ 32 32 Türkiye ranks first in cigarettes smoked: Report https://ankarahaftalik.com/turkiye-ranks-first-in-cigarettes-smoked-report/ Tue, 06 Feb 2024 04:41:56 +0000 https://ankarahaftalik.com/?p=4827 Türkiye has emerged as the leading nation globally for the highest number of cigarettes smoked, earning the disconcerting distinction…

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Türkiye has emerged as the leading nation globally for the highest number of cigarettes smoked, earning the disconcerting distinction with 17.1 cigarettes per capita per day, according to a European Union (EU) Statistics Office report.

Türkiye ranks first in the world with 17.1 cigarettes per capita per day, followed by its neighbor Greece with 15.7 cigarettes, while this rate is 15.5 in Israel, 15.5 in Japan and 15.4 in Austria, the report said.

Meanwhile, a “Tobacco Control Plan 2018-2023” report highlights that at least one out of every four people in the total population aged 15 years and above in Türkiye smokes. According to this ratio, nearly 20 million people in the country are regular smokers.

This sobering statistic sheds light on the pervasive smoking culture in the country and emphasizes the importance of promoting a healthier lifestyle to society.

Around 2 billion people worldwide are addicted to cigarettes and other tobacco products. While trends show smoking to be on the decline globally, electronic cigarettes and vapes, advertised as an alternative to smoking regular cigarettes, are on the rise, especially among those of younger ages.

Experts warn that the chemicals in electronic cigarettes, which are perceived to be less harmful than cigarettes, are at least as harmful as those found in cigarette smoke and advise quitting rather than seeking different methods to stop smoking.

Consequently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has called for urgent action to control the use of electronic cigarettes in order to minimize harm to public health.

Source: Hurriyet Daily News

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First Turkish astronaut begins his journey to International Space Station https://ankarahaftalik.com/first-turkish-astronaut-begins-his-journey-to-international-space-station/ Sat, 03 Feb 2024 04:36:06 +0000 https://ankarahaftalik.com/?p=4823 The Falcon 9 rocket, which is carrying the Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) crew, including Gezeravcı, was launched as…

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The Falcon 9 rocket, which is carrying the Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) crew, including Gezeravcı, was launched as planned at 00:49 (03:00 GMT) by private space exploration firm SpaceX in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Along with Gezeravcı, four space travelers from Spain, Italy, and Sweden will conduct more than 30 scientific experiments and demonstrations on the ISS as part of the Ax3 mission.

With all their military pilot experience, crew members are escorted by a former NASA astronaut who now works for Axiom Space, the company behind the launch.

The capsule is expected to arrive at the space station on Saturday.

The crew will spend two weeks conducting dozens of experiments and living their space experience before returning to their home planet.

SpaceX live-streamed the first emotions and thoughts of the Ax-3 crew aboard the Dragon capsule as it began its 36-hour journey to the ISS.

“I would like to start this moment with the words of our great leader, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of our modern Türkiye: The future is in the skies,”Gezeravcı marked his first words in space.

Erdoğan delivered a video message as part of Türkiye’s inaugural crewed space flight under the National Space Program and said the country is experiencing a pinnacle of collective pride and is witnessing a historic moment.

“We are taking a step into the second century of our Republic, the Century of Türkiye, with the manned space mission we have undertaken for the first time,” Erdoğan stated.

Erdoğan emphasized that after extensive preparations and training, Gezeravci has embarked on a journey to the International Space Station, highlighting the heroic service of the first Turkish astronaut.

“By accomplishing this, we are fulfilling one of the objectives outlined in our National Space Program, which was publicly declared in 2021.”

During the fourteen-day mission, Gezeravcı will conduct thirteen experiments prepared by Turkish scientists aboard the International Space Station, according to Erdoğan.

The Ax-3 mission also includes mission leader Michael Lopez-Alegria representing the United States and Spain, pilot Walter Villadei of the Italian Air Force, and Marcus Wandt of Sweden representing the European Space Agency.

Axiom billed the trip to the space station as “the first all-European commercial astronaut mission.”

Astronauts are transporting symbolic objects such as a Swedish Nobel Prize medal, Italian fusilli pasta, and tokens of the nomadic culture of Türkiye.

Two Americans from NASA, one astronaut each from Japan and Denmark, and three Russian cosmonauts will greet the crew on the ISS if everything goes according to plan.

Source: Hurriyet Daily News

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Why Greece-Türkiye rapprochement can be a win-win for all https://ankarahaftalik.com/why-greece-turkiye-rapprochement-can-be-a-win-win-for-all/ Thu, 01 Feb 2024 04:32:13 +0000 https://ankarahaftalik.com/?p=4820 The latest meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Athens has…

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The latest meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Athens has signalled a historic turning point in the longstanding impasse between Türkiye and Greece.

The positive remarks from both leaders during the joint press conference marked a shift towards a more cooperative and constructive relationship after years of tension between the neighbours.

Erdogan’s vision to turn the Aegean into a “sea of peace and cooperation” and Mitsotakis’ call for a “future of peace, progress, and cooperation” set an optimistic tone, opening the door to potential bilateral resolutions and regional stability in the East Mediterranean Sea.

Erdogan’s constructive statesmanship and statements before his visit to Athens formed a basis for this new situation.

A diplomatic breakthrough

The Eastern Mediterranean energy conflict lies at the heart of the tensions between Ankara and Athens – a complex issue rooted in disputes over maritime boundaries and energy resources.

The recent meeting between Erdogan and Mitsotakis hints at a commitment to finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Resolving this dispute is not only about easing immediate tensions but also holds broader implications for the stability and prosperity of the entire region.

In that regard, Türkiye may play a pivotal role in providing a win-win resolution to the EastMed energy dilemma for all parties.

Situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Türkiye serves as an intercontinental bridge and pan-regional energy hub for transporting Eastern Mediterranean gas to European markets.

For instance, international projects like TurkStream and TANAP, designed for efficient transportation of natural gas through Anatolia, put Türkiye as the most cost-effective and prudent destination and partner for fostering mutually beneficial collaborations in transportation ventures to the Western side of the world.

When it comes to facilities, Ankara’s well-established capacity in exploring, drilling and extracting gas can contribute to a potential joint campaign led by Greece and Türkiye, with the involvement of other regional actors, instead of paying for non-regional actors.

Furthermore, Türkiye’s discovery of natural gas reserves with a market value of $1 trillion in the Black Sea has marked the beginning of a new era for the country in self-sufficiency in meeting its natural gas requirements.

Such potential campaigns not only benefit Ankara but also create a mutually advantageous scenario for the entire region, fostering economic growth and stability with regional ‘cooperation’ as the only way out of the energy dilemma.

Regional cooperation platform

A strengthened partnership between Türkiye and Greece transcends economic benefits.

The Eastern Mediterranean region has witnessed increased militarisation in the past few years. And a cooperative approach will not only reduce the likelihood of armed confrontations but also provide a framework for crafting a blueprint to address the energy dilemma under Greece and Türkiye’s leadership, fostering a more stable and prosperous region.

Therefore, it is imperative to establish a cooperation platform for projecting an inclusive roadmap, encouraging all stakeholders to adopt a comprehensive maritime concord, and ensuring fairness and compliance with international law, such as the regional accord between Türkiye and Libya signed in 2019.

Moreover, the positive momentum generated by this diplomatic thaw may open the door to increased cultural and people-to-people exchanges under the realities of shared history, cultural ties, and geographical proximity between the people of Greece and Türkiye.

Global implications

In the broader context of international relations, the growing diplomatic ties between Türkiye and Greece send a positive message about the efficacy of diplomatic solutions to longstanding conflicts.

In an era dominated by geopolitical tensions, the success of dialogue and negotiation over confrontation sets a precedent for resolving disputes through political means. The renewed friendship between Greece and Türkiye stands as an example for other nations facing longstanding conflicts, emphasising the power of diplomacy in overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges.

The reconciliation, along with numerous agreements, also underscores the international optimism surrounding the leaders’ commitment to resolving longstanding issues and promoting cooperation.

While this diplomatic breakthrough is a cause for optimism, it is essential to recognise the challenges ahead.

Building trust and sustaining positive momentum requires continued efforts from both sides. The implementation of confidence-building measures, ongoing dialogue, and a commitment to compromise will be crucial as the world watches with hope that this positive momentum will not only endure but also inspire other nations to seek diplomatic solutions to their own longstanding issues.

Consequently, the recent meeting can be a decisive moment to end the turbulent situation in the Eastern Mediterranean. The potential benefits of improved relations extend beyond the bilateral scope, influencing the economic, security, and cultural landscape of the entire region.

As both nations embark on a journey towards friendship, the imperative now lies in leveraging international mediation to establish a joint task platform for resource management.

This platform, committed to transparently handling the exploration and distribution of energy resources, has the potential to capitalise on Türkiye’s expertise and facilities in exploration, drilling, and transportation.

For championing a win-win vision, this reconciliation should pursue a lasting resolution that can uplift the entire region. It not only boosts stability but also sets a significant precedent for productive cooperation in the complex Eastern Mediterranean geopolitics.

Source: TRT World

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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says Turkey is committed to a ‘positive’ role in postwar Gaza as he opens a diplomatic push https://ankarahaftalik.com/u-s-secretary-of-state-antony-blinken-says-turkey-is-committed-to-a-positive-role-in-postwar-gaza-as-he-opens-a-diplomatic-push/ Sat, 27 Jan 2024 04:23:29 +0000 https://ankarahaftalik.com/?p=4813 CHANIA, Greece (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Saturday that Turkey is committed to playing…

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CHANIA, Greece (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Saturday that Turkey is committed to playing “a positive, productive” role for postwar Gaza and prepared to use its influence in the region to prevent the Israel-Hamas conflict from broadening even more.

The latest Mideast mission by America’s top diplomat opened with talks in Turkey and Greece before shifting to the region for “not necessarily easy conversations” with allies and partners about what they are willing to do “to build durable peace and security.”

Blinken’s fourth visit in three months comes as developments in Lebanonnorthern Israel, the Red Sea and Iraq have put intense strains on what had been a modestly successful U.S. push to prevent a regional conflagration since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, and as international criticism of Israel’s military operation mounts.

Blinken held meetings with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and foreign minister, Hakan Fidan, in Istanbul about what Turkey and others can do to exert influence, particularly on Iran and its proxies, to ease tensions, speed humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza and begin planning for reconstruction and governance of postwar Gaza. Much of the territory has been reduced to rubble by Israeli bombardments.

In Chania, a port city on the Mediterranean island of Crete, Blinken later visited with Greece’s prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, at his residence. “These are difficult and challenging times,” Mitsotakis said.

Blinken’s day was ending in Jordan, with stops in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia on Sunday and Monday. Blinken will visit Israel and the West Bank on Tuesday and Wednesday before wrapping up the trip in Egypt. He said his priorities are protecting civilians — “far too many Palestinians have been killed” — getting more humanitarian aid into Gaza, ensuring Hamas cannot strike again and developing a framework for Palestinian-led governance in the territory and “a Palestinian state with security assurances or Israel.”

The ultimate goal, he said, is lasting peace, and his talks will focuses on what U.S. allies and partners are prepared to do to help with that process.

“These are not necessarily easy conversations. There are different perspectives, different needs, different requirements, but it is vital that we engage in this diplomacy now both for the sake of Gaza itself and more broadly the sake of the future for Israelis and Palestinians and for the region as a whole,” Blinken said.

“There is clearly a strong desire among the majority of people in the region for a future that is one of peace, of security, of de-escalation of conflicts, of integration of countries and that’s one path, that’s one future. The other future is an endless cycle of violence, a repetition of the horrific events that we’ve seen and lives of insecurity and conflict for people in the region, which is what virtually no one wants.”

Turkey, and Erdogan in particular, have been harshly critical of Israel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the prosecution of the war and the impact it has had on Palestinian civilians.

But Blinken told reporters before he flew from Crete to Amman that “from our conversations today, it’s clear that Turkey is prepared to play a positive, productive role in the work that needs to happen the day after the conflict ends and as well more broadly in trying to find a path to sustainable peace and security.’’ Blinken would not go in details about what he heard from the Turkish officials.

“I think they’re also prepared … to use the ties, the influence they have, the relationships they have with some of the critical players and some of the critical countries in the region to do everything possible to deescalate and to prevent the conflict from spreading. … They clearly have a shared interest with us in doing just that and I’m confident from these conversations that they’re going to make every possible effort,” Blinken said.

Hours before Blinken’s meetings, Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah militia fired dozens of rockets at northern Israel and said the barrage was an initial response to the targeted killing, presumably by Israel, of a top leader from the allied Hamas group in Lebanon’s capital this past week.

Stepped-up attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels have disrupted international trade and led to increased efforts by the U.S. and its allies to patrol the vital commercial waterway and respond to threats. The coalition of countries issued what amounted to a final warning to the Houthis on Wednesday to cease their attacks on vessels or face potential targeted military action. Since Dec. 19, the militants have carried out at least two dozen attacks in response to the Israel-Hamas war.

From the Turkish officials, Blinken sought at least consideration of potential monetary or in-kind contributions to reconstruction efforts in Gaza and participation in security arrangements, according to U.S. officials.

Blinken also stressed the importance that the U.S. places on Turkey’s ratification of Sweden’s membership in NATO, a long-delayed process that the Turks have said they will complete soon. Sweden’s entry to the alliance is seen as a significant response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Turkish official said Fidan told Blinken that Israel’s “increasing aggression” in Gaza was a threat to the region and he called for an immediate cease-fire and the delivery of “uninterrupted” humanitarian aid. Fidan said negotiations for a two-state solution should begin “as soon as possible,” according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issues in the private talks.

Fidan also said Turkey was awaiting the outcome of its request to upgrade its fleet of F-16 fighter jets and stressed that the ratification of Sweden’s NATO membership lay in the hands of the Turkish parliament.

Source: The Star

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Türkiye refutes Greek channel’s disinformation aimed at disrupting Ankara, Athens relations https://ankarahaftalik.com/turkiye-refutes-greek-channels-disinformation-aimed-at-disrupting-ankara-athens-relations/ Wed, 24 Jan 2024 04:18:06 +0000 https://ankarahaftalik.com/?p=4809 ISTANBUL Türkiye’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun said Thursday that the country refuted manipulative news by a Greek channel…

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Türkiye’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun said Thursday that the country refuted manipulative news by a Greek channel that wanted to harm relations between Ankara and Athens. 

“Greece’s ANT1 television channel aired a news report during its main news bulletin, claiming that Türkiye harassed Greek fishermen in Kardak, based on some footage as evidence,” Fahrettin Altun wrote on X.

Altun said the footage was from three years ago and Turkish coast guard officials confirmed that there was no tension at that time.

He noted that the Center for Combating Disinformation announced the false news in three languages: Turkish, Greek and English.

“Following the denial, ANT1 television had to correct its news due to the reactions received. We are determined to continue our fight for the truth, not only for our country but for all of humanity,” he wrote.

Source: AA

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Greek, Turkish officials discuss migration flows https://ankarahaftalik.com/greek-turkish-officials-discuss-migration-flows/ Sun, 21 Jan 2024 04:17:40 +0000 https://ankarahaftalik.com/?p=4805 Maritime Affairs and Island Policy Minister Christos Stylianides discussed migration with Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya in Ankara…

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Maritime Affairs and Island Policy Minister Christos Stylianides discussed migration with Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya in Ankara Thursday.

According to a ministry press release “views were exchanged on strengthening the cooperation between the two countries within the framework of the responsibilities of the two ministries. Ways of cooperation between the two countries for the joint fight against irregular migration and migrant smuggling were discussed. Additionally, the issue of strengthening cooperation and communication between the Greek-Turkish Coast Guard authorities was evaluated.

The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy also paid a courtesy visit to Turkish Coast Guard Command.”

“Today is a new start in jointly dealing with migration flows at sea,” Stylianides said.

Greece’s state Athens Macedonian News agency reported that the two sides agreed that the Turkish gendarmerie will take preventive action against migrant flows to prevent them from embarking on boats for the journey across the Aegean Sea to the Greek islands. The two sides also agreed on more frequent communication between the commanders of their respective coast guards and among the port authorities.

Yerlikaya is scheduled to visit Athens in February and meet again with Stylianides, as well as Migration and Asylum Minister Dimitris Kairidis and Citizen Protection Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis.

Source: Ekathimerini

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Turkey’s Erdogan Visits Greece to Forge ‘New Era’ After Years of Friction https://ankarahaftalik.com/turkeys-erdogan-visits-greece-to-forge-new-era-after-years-of-friction/ Tue, 09 Jan 2024 13:54:32 +0000 https://ankarahaftalik.com/?p=4714 Turkish president hopes the NATO allies and neighbours will mend relations despite deep-rooted differences. Turkish President Recep Tayyip…

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Turkish president hopes the NATO allies and neighbours will mend relations despite deep-rooted differences.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in Greece in an effort to mend strained relations between the neighbouring NATO allies and open what he called a “new era” in relations after years of hostility.

Greece and Turkey have been at odds for decades over issues including where their continental shelves start and end, energy resources, overflights of the Aegean Sea, and ethnically split Cyprus.

On Thursday, the two countries signed a joint declaration to pursue good neighbourly relations.

“Geography and history have dictated that we live in the same neighbourhood … occasionally in confrontation. But I feel a historical responsibility to utilise this opportunity to bring the two states side by side, just as our borders are,” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said after meeting Erdogan.

Earlier, Erdogan told Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou: “I believe that the Turkey-Greece strategic cooperation meeting will lead to a new era” in relations, adding that “we need to be optimistic, and this optimism will be fruitful in the future”.

“It will be much more beneficial for the future if we look at things from a glass half-full perspective,” Erdogan said.

“If we consider what is happening around us, it is necessary probably more than ever that Greece and Turkey work jointly to reinforce prosperity, safeguard peace and stability and respect for international law,” Sakellaropoulou replied.

Erdogan said he aimed to nearly double bilateral trade volume to $10bn (9.3 billion euros) from $5.5bn currently.

Greece and the European Union also hope to update their 2016 migration deal with Ankara.

Greek Migration Minister Dimitris Kairidis this week said the two countries’ coastguards had been cooperating smoothly on migration in past months and suggested the possibility of an agreement with Turkey to station a Turkish officer on the Greek island of Lesbos, and a Greek officer at the western Turkish port of Izmir.

Thursday’s talks are expected to also discuss the Israel-Hamas war, a contentious point on the agenda as Erdogan has shown no sign of abandoning his support of the Hamas group, whereas Mitsotakis has made a clear distinction between Hamas and the Palestinian people.

Issues that have brought Greece and Turkey to the brink of war five times in as many decades are expected to stay off the agenda.

Erdogan’s last visit to Athens, in December 2017, was a disaster. He and then-Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos argued over the Lausanne Treaty of 1923, which set the borders between the two countries.

Later, Erdogan and then-Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras traded accusations about the division of Cyprus. Erdogan blamed the Greek side for two failed rounds of talks to reunify the island in 2004 and 2017.

Source: Al Jazeera

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Turkish Women’s Badminton Queens Aim to Smash Records at Europeans https://ankarahaftalik.com/turkish-womens-badminton-queens-aim-to-smash-records-at-europeans/ Mon, 08 Jan 2024 05:24:00 +0000 https://ankarahaftalik.com/?p=4703 In a quest for qualification and a historic triumph, the Turkish women’s badminton national team sets its sights…

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In a quest for qualification and a historic triumph, the Turkish women’s badminton national team sets its sights on the Europe Teams Championship Finals.

Scheduled to take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, from tomorrow to Sunday, the team is eager to make a mark on the international stage.

Grouped alongside Ukraine and Greenland, the Turkish players anticipate fierce competition.

Success in these group matches is pivotal, as it will determine their clash with the winner of the group consisting of Bulgaria, Latvia and Ireland.

The ultimate goal is to secure a coveted spot in the finals and bring home Türkiye’s first medal in the senior category of this prestigious championship.

Leading the national team, Head Coach Barış Boyar, alongside star athletes Özge Bayrak, Nazlıcan Inci and Zehra Erdem, shared insights into their preparations with Anadolu Agency (AA) ahead of the qualifiers.

Turkish badminton team trains ahead of the European Championship Finals, Istanbul, Türkiye, Dec. 5, 2023. (AA Photo)
Turkish badminton team trains ahead of the European Championship Finals, Istanbul, Türkiye, Dec. 5, 2023. (AA Photo)

Boyar expressed satisfaction with the training camp in Ankara, saying, “Our players are highly motivated. Our primary aim is to advance from the groups in the European Championships and reach the finals.”

He emphasized the historical significance of aiming for a team medal, following the individual successes of Özge Bayrak and Neslihan Yiğit Arın in previous European Championships.

“We have been working towards achieving a team medal as well. Hopefully, we succeed and if we win, it will be our first team medal,” he said.

Highlighting the team’s strong foundation, Boyar remarked, “Our potential in badminton is very high. There’s a great synergy with the new management. Our young athletes have ambitious goals. We aim to combine the success of the younger age groups with the seniors. We have succeeded with women’s teams in the under-17 and under-19 categories. Our goal is to increase the number of Olympic athletes and represent our country with more athletes in the Olympics. Winning a medal at the 2024 Paris Olympics may seem challenging at the moment. Our goal is to advance from the groups, as the Olympics is truly a massive process. We continue to work towards this, especially scouting young talent for Olympic representation.”

Confidence soaring

Özge Bayrak, who shared a joint training camp with the men’s national team, expressed confidence in the team’s ability to emerge as group leaders. “Our current focus is on topping the group ahead of the European Championship Finals. We have two challenging matches ahead, against Ukraine and Bulgaria. We aim to win both and qualify for the finals.”

As one of the two athletes who secured individual medals for Türkiye in the previous European Championships, Bayrak conveyed her determination: “Every team championship we attend, we genuinely aim to win a medal. That’s our goal. Hopefully, this time, we break new ground and return to our country with a medal.”

Nazlıcan İnci, discussing the team’s rigorous preparation with double training sessions daily, expressed optimism about their chances of advancing from the group.

“We believe we will qualify from the group, and Bulgaria will also emerge from the other group. Our potential match against Bulgaria will be tough, but I believe we can win. We are eager to reach the finals. Compared to previous years, I see the team as stronger. We’ll strive for success with a good draw,” she said.

Assessing her individual performance, Nazlıcan stated, “Unfortunately, in 2022, we couldn’t participate in any tournaments. In 2023, I feel that I have improved my performance in every tournament. I’ve given my all in preparation and I believe I’ll reflect that in the matches. Qualifying for the Olympics in women’s doubles is a bit challenging due to the reduction in quota numbers worldwide. We will also push ourselves and aim to achieve a first there.”

Zehra Erdem, highlighting the team’s readiness, stated, “We are heading to the qualifiers in excellent shape as a team. We have group matches ahead against Greenland and Ukraine. If we defeat them, we will face the winner of the other group in the finals. We must win that match too. We need to qualify for the European Championship Finals in Poland. I believe we are a very strong team, and in Poland, we will achieve our goal of winning our first medal. We are undergoing rigorous preparation camps during this process. There’s mutual trust within the team. I have confidence that we will achieve good results. Both our singles and doubles players are progressing strongly. We will bring our past experiences to the field and deliver a solid performance.”

Source: Daily Sabah

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Türkiye’s 11-Year-Old Para-Athlete Eyes National Aquatic Stardom https://ankarahaftalik.com/turkiyes-11-year-old-para-athlete-eyes-national-aquatic-stardom/ Sun, 07 Jan 2024 05:20:53 +0000 https://ankarahaftalik.com/?p=4700 In a remarkable journey that began in Kayseri, 11-year-old Ecrin Bütün, who lost the use of her legs…

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In a remarkable journey that began in Kayseri, 11-year-old Ecrin Bütün, who lost the use of her legs after surgery at the age of 2, has transformed into a swimming sensation.

Over the past two years, she has not only conquered the waters but also clinched an impressive tally of 16 gold and five silver medals in various competitions.

Now, with her sights set on the national team, Bütün is a true inspiration in the face of adversity.

Bütün, a fifth-grade student at Yahya Kemal Beyatlı Middle School, faced the loss of her ability to walk following surgery to remove a spinal cord tumor detected when she was just 2 years old.

Undeterred by her physical challenge, Bütün discovered a new lease on life two years ago when she met swimming coach Safiye Kayabal during talent screening tests conducted by the Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate.

Learning to swim in the Olympic pool under her coach’s guidance, Bütün found joy in the sport and began preparing for competitions.

Her baptism by fire occurred six months into her swimming journey at the 2019 Physically Disabled Türkiye Championship held in Konya on Dec. 6-7.

In this debut, Bütün scooped up an impressive four gold medals in the 200-meter freestyle and 150-meter individual medley categories for both open-age and 8-11 age groups.

The same championship saw Bütün secure two silver medals in the 100-meter breaststroke and freestyle events in the open age category, while in the 8-11 age group, she claimed two more gold medals.

Her prowess extended to the 50-meter freestyle, where she secured the top spot in the 8-11 age category.

This year, at the Paralympic Swimming Regional Championship held in Mersin from Oct. 19-20, Bütün continued her golden streak by winning an impressive six gold medals in the 200-meter freestyle, 150-meter individual medley and 100-meter breaststroke across both open age and 8-11 age categories.

Turkish para-swimmer Ecrin Bütün trains for the para-swimming national team selections, Kayseri, Türkiye, Nov. 29, 2023. (AA Photo)
Turkish para-swimmer Ecrin Bütün trains for the para-swimming national team selections, Kayseri, Türkiye, Nov. 29, 2023. (AA Photo)

Additionally, she clinched three silver medals in the 50-meter and 100-meter freestyle and 50-meter backstroke in the open age category.

In the 8-11 age group, Bütün added three more gold medals to her collection.

With this outstanding performance, Bütün has earned the right to participate in the para-swimming national team selections scheduled for Dec. 12-14 in Ankara.

In an interview with Anadolu Agency (AA), Bütün expressed her love for swimming, acknowledging the positive impact the sport has had on her life.

She credited coach Safiye Kayabal for introducing her to the world of swimming and shared her excitement about the upcoming national team selections, stating her ultimate goal is to represent Türkiye on the international stage proudly.

Kayabal, emphasizing Bütün’s versatility in mastering all swimming styles, commended her positive attitude and noted that swimming is a sport for everyone.

She expressed her ambition to raise the Turkish flag alongside Bütün at European competitions in the future.

Bütün’s father, Mevlüt Bütün, emphasized the family’s unwavering support for their daughter, highlighting the challenges they’ve overcome together.

He expressed gratitude for the continuous treatment and shared the family’s determination to support his daughter in her journey, pledging to continue their unwavering support.

Source: Daily Sabah

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Türkiye’s Edirne Set to Make Waves as New Hub of Rowing Excellence https://ankarahaftalik.com/turkiyes-edirne-set-to-make-waves-as-new-hub-of-rowing-excellence/ Sat, 06 Jan 2024 04:10:38 +0000 https://ankarahaftalik.com/?p=4697 The Balkan Rowing Championship is slated to take place on the picturesque waters of the Meriç River in…

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The Balkan Rowing Championship is slated to take place on the picturesque waters of the Meriç River in Edirne next year.

This comes hot on the heels of the city being chosen to host the European Under-23 Rowing Championship in September, promising a series of world-class events for rowing enthusiasts.

Nesim Iba, the President of the Rowing Club at TED Edirne College, highlighted the natural prowess of the Meriç River as an ideal setting for rowing competitions.

Iba, speaking on the city’s burgeoning reputation in the rowing world, emphasized the significant strides they’ve made, positioning Edirne as a key player in the sport.

Stressing the city’s newfound ability to host major international events, Iba expressed: “Our recent application to organize the Balkan Rowing Championship was accepted. Following the European Under-23 Rowing Championship in 2024, Edirne will once again take the stage as the host of the Balkan Championship.”

“As a prelude to these prestigious events, we collaborated with the Turkish Rowing Federation to organize the Turkish Rowing Championship. In March, it was the Turkish Rowing Championship; come September, it will be the European Under-23 Rowing Championship, followed by the Balkan Rowing Championship, all seamlessly integrated into the World Rowing Federation (FISA) calendar.”

Iba envisioned a surge in rowing activity on the Meriç River, highlighting: “The upcoming course to be constructed here will mark the first in the history of the republic and the easternmost course in Europe. It’s a unique feature that it will be naturally formed, making it distinct. The location is ideal; when the wind blows, there’s minimal disturbance in the river, allowing athletes to row easily.”

He sees the upcoming events in the city as a boon for the sport and a significant contributor to local tourism.

Anticipating a surge in international interest, he said: “This course will be recognized globally and host numerous events. Particularly, it is said that Scandinavian countries are inclined to favor this venue.”

“Consequently, it will bolster the city’s promotion and tourism. We confidently declare that Edirne is set to become the rowing capital. The national team will conduct their camps here, and over 40 training sessions and competitions across Türkiye will find their home in Edirne.”

Edirne is set to transform into a global hotspot for rowing excellence, with the Meriç River becoming a stage for thrilling competitions and a symbol of the city’s growing prominence in rowing.

The fluidity of the Meriç River is set to match the dynamism of the events it hosts, creating a legacy that extends far beyond the water’s edge.

Source: Daily Sabah

The post Türkiye’s Edirne Set to Make Waves as New Hub of Rowing Excellence appeared first on Ankara Haftalik.
