Türkiye’s Student Assessment Center to Use AI to Set Exam Question

Türkiye’s Student Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) has announced plans to incorporate artificial intelligence in optimizing its exam processes, particularly in generating questions.

Professor Bayram Ali Ersoy, president of ÖSYM, spoke to Anadolu Agency (AA) about the initiative, stating: “We have welcomed AI experts into our team and established a new advisory board dedicated to this field. This advisory board is now actively engaged in shaping ÖSYM’s future policies.”

Ersoy revealed that the ÖSYM team includes AI professors and desires various governmental units to interact with AI applications. He emphasized that the primary goal is to coordinate with all institutions that are stakeholders, such as the Meteorology Department, Highways Authority and municipalities.

The ÖSYM president explained that meetings will be held with relevant institutions regarding conditions that may impact exams. This coordination will enable the organization to conduct exams in healthier environments.

Ersoy outlined the benefits of this coordination, stating: “By instantly transferring studies to our system, we will optimize examination processes even further. In cases of negative situations, we will avoid selecting schools in affected regions and instead place candidates in locations outside those areas. Thus, with a system based on artificial intelligence, candidate access to examination centers will be optimized. This will improve our processes and lead to savings in various aspects.”

Ersoy further discussed ÖSYM’s ongoing efforts to generate questions using AI, a project that was initiated previously. The organization aims to complete this project within its current term and envisions conducting exam evaluations with the assistance of AI.

He emphasized the importance of balancing the role of machines and humans, stating, “AI should not imply neglecting the human factor. In this sense, we will carefully maintain a balance between machines and humans.”

Source: Daily Sabah

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